Saturday, July 24, 2010

Visual problems in school children

Vision plays an important role in overall health of a child and school performance. However, the sight of children is overlooked by many parents. visual basic It is strongly recommended that children should have a comprehensive visual basic examination three years, even if there are no obvious visual basic signs that have been detected or performed.
Some children are too young to protest the vision discomfort, but parents must take care of their vision. visual basic Not detected anduntreated vision problems in children can lead to diseases of the eye sight at risk. Some children receive only a quick visual basic screening by the school or by an ophthalmologist unprofessional. Unlike an examination of the global view, a vision screening using only simple equipment that can detect and diagnose problems viewing less precisely.
professional eye can only make a determination whether a child is seen correctly, you need to get a good academicperformance. Good vision is critical for learning, especially for children in their early school years. Much basic knowledge is obtained through visual perception in children. In the learning process, children gradually acquire more visual capacity, needed to learn effectively.
visual basic defect in children of school age may have adverse effects on them. In some cases, children with poor vision have to struggle to read their books or see theboard at their posts, which might impose excessive stress on their visual basic system. Consequently, these children may lose interest in certain subject and get lower scores. What is worse, some children may develop a lack of self esteem and also become student behavior at school. visual basic Studies have found that attention deficit and hyperactivity in children are mostly caused by vision problems.
There are other visual basic deficiencies in children who have poor sight 20/20. Thesedeficiencies can also affect school performance. visual basic They include having trouble moving his eyes from reading to a position away, visual basic losing place while reading, rereading the same line over and over again, frequent reversals of numbers or letters and taking two hours to complete 20 minutes of homework and so on.
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