If you intend to write computer software, you must know before with various software languages that can be used in producing executable programs. These languages can do almost anything - from simple console program that publish the text of your computer screen to something as complex as the whole operating system. Software languages vary greatly when it comes to complexity and power.
Among the most common languages software are:
• C
Thisadvanced language that is used to develop application software was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie in the 70s at Bell Labs. Is actually done as a systems programming language. But since it has been useful in several applications such as software engineering programs, games and business programs, is now commonly used in the production of various computer software. The UNIX operating system, indeed, written in C.
• Java
Developed by SunMicrosystems, the Java applets can be used when making a program that starts from within another program. Applets are executed within web pages and software applications. Java is very flexible and powerful, allowing you to do things like the development of graphics programs, collaborating with the user, reading from files and much more. It is usually mistaken as JavaScript, but are actually two different languages.
• C + +
This softwarelanguage is a successor of the language commonly used C. Unique in the C + + language is that it is object oriented. It was also created by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs and has become one of the most common languages are used in graphics applications.
• Visual Basic
Based on the BASIC language, the Visual Basic software is used when creating applications for Windows. It is made by Microsoft, the same developerof the VBScript language that is derived from Visual Basic.
After familiarizing yourself with the different software languages, the next thing to do is start writing programs that make your software. Here are the steps:
1. Strengthening the basic set of this task requires skills. Among those math skills.
2. Improve your logic, because you'll be using when you lay everything in the right order.
3. Develop your ability to plan. Thisability is much more necessary to create design programs which can be upgraded or updated to the best of modern technology.
4. Have a basic knowledge of both software and hardware settings.
5. Choose the language of computer programming that will be used in program development.
6. When writing the program, you must identify the problem.
7. Developing the algorithm that solves the problem.
8. Translating the algorithm into a code that can beincluding by computer.
9. Compile and run the program.
10. Run the program.
People who want to write computer software must first become familiar with the development of a computer program. Creating computer software is an easy task, so you better be sure not to err in the process. Plan your every step with care and always double check everything to make sure it does what is expected of it.
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