Thursday, July 29, 2010

Technical study for tests Visual Basic

Visual Basic images threw association is a technique that helps your child remember when taking a test. Using this technique for studying the test helps the child to store and retrieve information faster, the study done faster freeing up more time to get everything else that needs to be done after arriving home from school - homework, family time, eating dinner, extra curriculum activities, outside run and play, bath or shower, business,etc.
To use Visual Basic images that I think about what the baby looks like. You could see the color of his hair, the shape of her eyes or nose, the color of his skin, and the size of his hands or feet. Now ask yourself, has the words hair, eyes, nose, skin, hands and feet come into your mind or was it a Visual Basic image of each of these features?
Do the same technique with the child when studying for a test. For example, if one of the questionshis test is "What representation of animals used in the United States as an emblem of the Republican Party" and the answer is "Elephant." Relate the elephant to the Republican party using a Visual Basic image of an elephant sitting on the letter R. Or Elephant holding the letter R for Republican in his trunk above his head. Or a visual image of a company Elephant Mr. George W. Bush, or sitting on Mr. George W. Bush, depending on whether you like or love him orRepublican Party.
The photo?
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