Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How do I become a computer programmer

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Programming a computer has always fascinated me. To be able to type a few lines of English in a car, and then makes a lot of things for me was really exciting. Still. If I need to do some homework, I just write a program to do it for me and I can take the rest of the week off!

If you're a person creative or lateral thinking, computer programming can be very satisfying, especially if you're doing to yourself or freelance. I've been programming in variouslanguages since about 1987, and I still enjoy it.

So how do you become a programmer? Where to start?

First, you must be able to work a computer. Using the mouse, keyboard, move the file explorer to go around and so on. You must also have a reasonable ability in mathematics. (Or you can learn as you go along.)

Then you must decide what kind of programs you want to write - financial, games, operating systems, machine controllers, etc. - becauseeach type of programming is a particular type of programming language that is especially suited to it. For example, Delphi is improved database, good for C + + operating systems, Visual Basic, works well in web applications.

Then you must select the programming language you want to use. eg. Delphi, C + +, Visual Basic, etc., etc.

You'll need to buy a compiler, the software package you use to write yourprograms. (Or use one at your school or library, or borrow a friends computer, if he has installed. But in the end you will have to buy)

Then you need to go is on a path that offers lessons in that language, or start teaching yourself, in which case you should refer to books. Courses are available by mail order, at Technikon or university. Usually these institutions provide a low cost "student" version of the compiler for you.
Then you need atwo years (part time) to do this study. Maybe after a month or two you will be able to run programs that are kinda useful

Programming is a set of commands written in a "language" that is normal English words, but a small finite set of them, together with the symbols and punctuation that everything has a particular function. For example

How WriteSomething


form1.edit1.text: = 'Hello boys ";

form1.edit1.visible: = true;



This little 'programming would put the text "Hello guys" in a small box on the screen, but note: This is only part of a wider program, and does not work alone. If you leave out of a semicolon or a period, the program will not work

Then you write this "English" in a particular format, so the compiler can "interpret", and convert it into machine code so the computer can "understand" andrun. A compiler strong> is the software that takes your program, written in this pseudo-English, and converts it into a computer-readable and executable

Delphi version 7.0, where the program is written above, and occupies about 500MB of disk space, and does not use all that much memory, so that will run on a standard, computer-entry to the shelf. Borland South Africa very kindly sponsored my version, for which I am extremely grateful. The lastversion of Delphi is quite expensive, and requires a bit 'of capital investment.

Some programming language compilers: Delphi, Turbo Pascal, Object Pascal, Fortran, C + +, C #, Basic, Visual Basic, Cobol, Lisp, Prolog, SQL, HTML, ModBus, etc. There are many, many others, some to make web pages and applications online, using their mobile phones, the embedded controller, and so on. Basic is the easiest to use, but Turbo Pascal is probably the bestcompromise between simplicity and utility.

Be prepared to work hard and do a lot of study, and spend a lot of time learning to program. And 'difficult at first, but over time to become familiar with the syntax and the philosophy of language, and then it becomes much easier. So never give up. The light goes on at the end!

Duncan Kelly

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