Monday, September 13, 2010

3D Graphics Illusions

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Welcome to the world of 3D illusions. These 3D images are catching the world by storm. Once you see these amazing images that we think will be as excited as we are about this new computer generated art form.

The roots of this art actually date back to 1838. It 'started with the simple observation and expanded crude drawings and from there moved to a more advanced form in the late 1950s when professionals were studying how our vision. Then theThe technology further extended at the end of 1960 and 1970. During this time computers began to be for use that have made it possible to create lighter, more complex images. In the late 1980 things began to advance rapidly and computer enthusiasts around the world began to share their technology and images (mostly very simple shapes and designs). Up to this point, no one had learned how to represent animals, landscapes, spaceships, etc. But the progress did not stop there because the artistscontinued to share their developments and hard work. Their intentions were to create images that appeal to every human being.

So what had started as an observation 175 years ago dramatically turned into a big business when artists began creating high quality and incredibly detailed 3D images we have today. This technology has rapidly made its way into the mainstream of life all over the world. Nearly 30 million books have been sold to date. From all indications this is just 'beginning as the rest of the world begins to see this fantastic new art form.

What other possible uses could arise from this form of art? Well, Eye Adventures in the coming months will be to build or license other companies to create posters, T-shirts, calendars, wallpaper, postcards, Christmas wrapping paper, greeting cards, and who knows what else (all of which contain large designs in them.) Although this is probably several years into the future, imagine howa great film in this kind of 3D would be.

What's next? We do not know exactly, but we are sure that once you have learned to see these images, you will also be happy to see each new step forward in the field. Our company has followed the progress of these great pictures for years and we believe this book is the best way to experience this new information technology. There are only a handful of one-of-a-kind experiences in life and we are sure that this is something that has verya lot.

Last note before the excitement begins

This new form of art taps into the natural ability of our eyes and our minds. See how each of us has two eyes, with each sending a visual message to our mind, the mind must somehow combine these two images in one or we would have double vision (see two of everything). This is what makes these special images unique. So when you look through the image, one of your eyes becomes one half of the puzzle and theother eye gets the other half of the puzzle. Then, when they are combined in our minds a magical thing happens.

To our amazement, it ends up feeling like something X-ray view The 2D melts a few meters and it appears as though something wonderful is in a small room in a magical space of its own.

There are those who see them very fast and others can take a while '. This has nothing to do with intelligence. It 's just a trick your eyes will help you to understand once you give it some'time and practice. The first time you do anything can be uncomfortable or difficult, simply because we have no idea what to do. In this case, there is nothing else to do something like that. So read the instructions and try each technique. It may take a little 'work on your part, but once this is done, it becomes easier and faster each time until you can see almost instantly.

A key thing to remember is that if your eyes focus on the same image that is impossible to see the hiddenimage. However, if through the eyes and imagine what's behind the wall colors that will be awarded as a 2D image fades back to this area and an amazing 3D scene magically appears. It 's almost as if you can reach and pull the tiger, plane, horse, tree, butterfly, alien, soccer player, etc, etc, etc.


Here are a few tips to make it easier to start the 3D view:
a. In general, you want bright lighting when you arelearn how to view 3D illusions.
b. Some people who wear glasses will be easier for them to take off until they can move close enough to see the image clearly.
c. Look straight ahead, do not tilt your head. The 3D is more evident with the hidden layer.

The only people who can not see these images are visually impaired or can only see with one eye. Some people with stigmatisms strong or a very dominant eye (where one eye for whatever reason,more visual information much more than others) may also have difficulty viewing these images. But for the rest of us with something approaching normal vision (even if you wear glasses), with a little or a lot of practice and patience, the 3D images can be hidden in these views.

Technique One:

One of the best ways to see free (look at these without special glasses) these images for a beginner is to try this technique before.

Look for your reflection in the glossy coverof this book. This makes the image go blurry (out of focus) and you'll feel like you're starting to double itself. Believe it or not this is good. It has to do this no matter what technique you use. Reflection helps to focus your eyes on something other than the 2D part of the picture. If the surface of the 2-D picture is not blurry (slightly out of focus) the 3-D image will not appear.

Once you have your focus on reflection, just relax. Sometimes it takes a few minutesbut we assure you that it is worth your time. You will begin to feel something happening. Just keep looking at the reflection, is blurring and the image starts to move in strange ways. This means that your eyes have to figure out how to do this. Just keep looking at your reflection and the image will be displayed soon.

Technique Two:

Look at the image, but not focus on anything. Just kind of give him a blank stare, without focusing your eyes on the image. Just look in the direction ofimage, then relax. After a while, 'you will start to "feel" something happen. The image begins to disappear, then change will occur and some double vision. When he does just keep relaxing and continue with the blank stare. Your eyes will do the rest of the work when you are patient. When the image comes first is usually just a piece of it. Keep doing the same look relaxed and the result will "pop" in then you can begin to look around in the image and see more and more of the3D.

Technique Three:

Place the thumb image before your eyes. It will be totally focused. This is good. Let your eyes get a little 'habit. So, without changing the focus of your eyes, slowly move the image away from your eyes. Then he stops at a distance, the picture would be blurry, if you just relax and go with the flow. If not and you see the picture very clear, start over because it is now your eyes focused on 2D and this is what we aretrying to train not to do. If this happens just start over again so close to your eyes is completely out of focus, then move away again and keep staring in the direction of the image. After many attempts, you just pop in

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