Thursday, September 30, 2010

Computer Programming - some of the basics you should know

A little 'programming can actually help to have a good time with your computer. Most people shy away from programming word - which we associate with geeks and is presumed to be too difficult to understand. We have some tools, we have a mouse and you can choose - that's all we need to know in your computer to run it. This is certainly true. But it is also true that the programming can help you work much faster on your computer and is in fact not so difficult tolearn.

For example, MS DOS batch files can help you start your favorite programs at once when you start your computer. There is no need to go on the desktop and click on the icons one by one to open all the windows preferred. Similarly to other programming languages such as C, C + +, Visual Basic, etc. are simple programming languages that can be used to control the computer.

Get to know any particular programming language is beyond the scopeof this article. However, almost all programming languages work on certain conditions and controls. We see some of the basic components of a programming language. Note that this article is not intended to teach any particular programming language. The aim is more to help bust the fear that people generally associated with 'programming' of the word.

Controls: Controls, as the name implies, are used to ask the computer to behave in a certain way. The commands will not workall by themselves unless some data are provided to work on. For example, it can command on a blank space that asks 'sit'! Conversely, if you have a dog, you can train to sit on your command. In the computer data can be fed by the user or program can recover data from the Internet to work on.

Conditions: When the controls have to work with unknown data, the programmers to include conditions. Whatever the outcome of the above command is to be followed - is an example ofcondition that can be set for a given program. Thus, if a variable is 'x', then we can ask the program to run in a certain way, and if the variable is 'y', you can operate the program to behave differently.

Using the data, variables and conditions you can set up simple programs to work for the computer. The result is limitless:

Get or forms filled out automatically.
O Download updates manually without visiting the Web sites.
o Perform mathematical operationsautomatically
Write messages or e-mail and receive those sent automatically as and when required.
o Set the alarm, reminder and consequential actions.
o Create animations and digital signatures.

The possibilities are many. All you have to do is create an executable file from your commands using the programming language. Now, these files will have. Exe extension and can be operated automatically. So in simple words you or the programmer has created a software program to tellFor example, fill online forms automatically.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Advice on creative campaign ideas

No two minds are alike. Two people, given the same creative brief, will produce very different campaigns. This is because the ideas do not materialize out of nowhere. They come from what has been read, seen and experienced every day.

Also, some people are more creative than others, because the exercise of creative thought more often. The creative power of the brain is like a muscle - the more it is flexed, the stronger becomes the fastest and ideas are.

A lot ofart management techniques and copywriters use to create ads are techniques borrowed from fiction writing, film and theater. Books on these topics are good background reading.

Have a healthy selection of books, art and advertising industry in the office is a must. Pick up some copies of D & AD and specialties such as law Craft Alastair Crompton of the copyright.

Here are some techniques you can use to make your creative campaign stronger, improve brand awareness andresponse rate of the campaign.

Keep it simple stupid

KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Express the idea in a small space. On a post-it notes on a napkin. If you can express your idea in concrete or diagram sentences, you probably do not have an idea. At most, you can have multiple unrelated parties.

What many marketers find it difficult to evaluate are the ideas in their infancy. Without the idea made with finished images are not able to see how far the idea can go, orcampaignable as an idea. However, the evaluation of ideas without too much polish, it is advantageous.

Allows concepts of surface, and good ideas to shine.

Cover territories - their spaces

The ideas can be generated, the areas or territories can be covered. Coming up with a pair of disparate ideas is not enough. Creative ideas for the map instead of spaces or territories. They identify these areas from customer insights, research, and a simple intuition.

An idea can be, but is strategically located in the territory right? Choosing the right campaign can be a matter of finding the right idea, the more fertile territory.

Creatives for looking for new territories or new ways of seeing existing territories. Otherwise, their ideas are unoriginal and lack of impact.

Make your idea of a campaign

Creativity and customers hate campaign ideas that can not scale across different media. These require too much exposure and too often only work intelevision.

Companies should go for campaign ideas that can work not only in the richness of television, but also in the small banner space. Otherwise, missing important points of contact.

Turn it on its head

During the brainstorming session, clients and agencies often complain that they 'get the same ideas'. This may be because the group is afraid of challenging the thought, or group is the suppression of ideas that sound absurd at face value.

Unless the group is ready to take'Undiscovered' paths, brainstorming sessions will produce the same results each time. Participants must abandon their fears and criticisms, and turn their thinking on its head.

If car manufacturers always advertise your car with four wheels, an idea that works try the car without wheels. These are the types of consumer challenge of ideas and giving rise to free press coverage.

Incorporating a 'what if' exercise during brainstorming can increase the volume of ideas andthe effectiveness of the group. Such that the sum of the parts contributed by the group is greater than any contribution, one by one spirit.

Straight Title, bizarre visual

The basic ingredients of a media campaign is a title and a visual. Creating an ad that shows a view of quirky, eccentric and a title, usually results in an ad that is too bizarre for audiences to interpret. Similarly, if the title is both visual and rights,Add this literal and does not provide any 'ahhha'.

To achieve the right balance, it seems you need equal parts of the literal and the weird advertising. It is worth remembering that every ad is not a title or visual. Some are simply a vision, and some are just a title.

Is the title of the same view?

Junior creativity often make the mistake of creating ads with a headline and the pictures say the same thing. Next is an example.This creative is not working very hard. Both the title and visual say the same thing.

Instead, groped to make a visual and an independent set on the page. Separately, they do not mean much, but when combined, become an enigma for the audience to solve.

Intelligent? Or too smart?

The debate on advertising 'smart' never ends. Clever ads the risk of their audience is completely the point. In contrast, the lame ads go unnoticed.

Bothstatements are correct. Announcements Blades lack of impact. And being too smart to insulate all but the awards jury. L ', brand and creative medium, all should be weighted to produce the desired effect.

For example, a piece by EPURON designed to be a viral video, it might be perceived as too intelligent. The idea works on many levels, which personifies the wind and which require the audience to look twice. You have to be careful to do it.

If this was a TVC, asking the audience to watchtwice is almost impossible. However, the fact was intended to give the creative to be a viral video on YouTube (so that it can be played more than once), the spiritual element works in its favor to make it more viral.

Topical Reference

Ads can leverage context from the public domain, which is in progress. Sports, religion, politics, sex - these are all fertile places to refer to military service. The construction of an idea around a topical issue can be very powerful, and often Sparkscontroversy.

Humor, gags, jokes, pay-off

Humor is the gag, the punch line, the payoff - these are good techniques to continue to read the audience. Realize that most advertising is interruptive. Compensate consumers by making them smile is the least we can do to get it stopped.

Ideas that have gags that are really fun can get a lot of love and mileage. In fact often more fun than offend some segments of society.

During deployment of humor,make sure it is fun and is related to the brand. Otherwise, the gag will be remembered, but the brand soon forgotten.

Shock Value

For some sectors, such as anti-tobacco smoke, with real people dying of smoking-related cancer is statistically proven to impact more than other technical problems with the shock of the campaigns, you get tired quickly. Forgiveness shock-value. What is shocking today is tomorrow's mundane.

This forces advertisers to seek outthe next visual or statistical shocking. It is not easy to sustain in the long run these campaigns.

Wordplay and visual puns

These techniques were once very popular. There was a time when you could flip through a magazine, and almost every page, even on a pun.

Puns are not created as a clever title, but expressed in sight. These are called visual creative people puns.Most agree on the use of puns should be avoided.

There are punsrisky. At their center is often not the basic idea, and so they are a threat to the country.

Word games are really the last resort.


Juxtaposition is achieved when the two views are combined dipole. Take for example the faces of two football coaches of the opposing team, or a cheap car and a luxury car. These are two extremes that have a common report, but are very different. Together they create a striking visual. Their extreme differences givebirth of a new meaning matched one another.

Juxtaposition can be useful to challenge a stereotype, and changing opinions.

Metaphors and hyperbole

Metaphors are one of the most common narrative techniques. Not surprisingly, advertisers often use them. Construct a metaphor borrowed from the public understand, to explain another construct that have little knowledge.

For example, power plugs could be a metaphor for sexuality.

Metaphorsmay be a hyperbole too. A hyperbole is deliberate exaggeration for emotional effect. The effect is intentional, and the public should not be interpreted literally hyperbole.


The irony is a mode of expression that draws attention to a discrepancy between two levels of knowledge. The definition of irony, in its simplest form, is the difference between what someone could reasonably expect to happen and what actually does. Which means that something is happening that wenot reasonably expect to happen is considered irony.


Alliteration is a series of repeated consonant sounds, which occurs at the beginning of words or within words. Alliteration is used to create melody, establish mood, call attention to important words, and highlight similarities and contrasts. They appear in headlines, titles and slogans in the campaign.

Alliteration is a sentence sounds a little 'ears, and more memorable.


Sticky is usually what you get when one or a combination of the above, it works really well. It ends with an advertisement that is spoken and written. An advertising campaign that becomes sticky, it is infected. Without intervention or much media spend, and transmits the public supports the idea, often changing and making it their own.

This TVC recently by Heineken, combined several techniques in this article, and is nailed.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Using Visual Basic technique

Visual Basic is the best programming language for software application development techniques, and is the easiest to learn. Sure, you can also use Web sites to design imaginative, business applications, advanced database systems, and distributed transactions. For industrial applications and techniques, however, Visual Basic is better than anything else. In this article I will try to present some of the reasons behind mystatements.

First of all, Visual Basic comes with a unique graphical interface, which is certainly the easiest to work with. For those who know how to do this, Visual Basic does all Visual C + + ago, only ten to twenty times faster and easier. It takes a few minutes to insert a label or a red line to see the dynamic value of a technical parameter. Of course, some graphical controls are very complex, but not necessarilyneed them. The controls are more important in technical applications: labels, text boxes, buttons, MSFlexGrid, then lines, rectangles and circles. That's it! You do not need fancy graphics. Using only the base, I have summarized a few checks you can design your applications more powerful techniques of today, all over the world.

When we control the hardware is more important to process the data as bytes and bits. In C and C + + using pointers to break integer in bytes, or to concatenatebyte integers and doubles. In Visual Basic we use mathematical operations on bytes, and the results are exactly the same. In order to process the individual bits that we use "male" and bit-shift in C and C + +. In Visual Basic also use masks and bit-shift is replaced with mathematical operations. Few are familiar with Visual Basic has incredibly rich libraries of mathematical functions, and are optimized for very fast calculations. You can easilyDiscover the logic functions and statistics, "sine", "log", "exp", and all other mathematical goodies that bring happiness and sunshine in our lives.

Now, many readers will object, saying Visual Basic is limited to Windows PC OS (Operating System). No doubt about it, but we're talking about 80% of the world! What do you expect? The next step in the development of PC is what we now called "Tablet PC, and Windows has a good grip on that with Windows MobileOS. Also on the PDA market (adapters for peripheral devices), Windows CE is one of the best available to the operating system. In addition, all software applications are written for Windows PC first, before anything else.

Right! Now, do a little 'problem with this particular hardware control using Visual Basic. The first thing to do is design the form intelligent hardware using, for example, or even dsPIC30F3011 dsPIC30F4011. If you have no idea how to do it, this is perfect, and you do notto cause concern. Once you have your beautiful little piece of hardware work, you must write a program intelligent firmware to give "life". Once again, I suspect you do not know how to write firmware in C for Microchip dsPIC, but that's good - trust me with this. I can guarantee that it will become an expert in hardware and firmware in about 60 days - that is, considering that you want, and it invests little, minimal efforts for this.

In addition, you must take acouple of weeks to learn how to write a Visual Basic application to "talk" with the hardware module. Firmware and hardware that work together to collect field data from devices and sends it to your Visual Basic application. Wow! Your Intelligent Visual Basic application is to display the analog field data in a dynamic, graphical control on a track - and you know how to design it - just like on an oscilloscope screen. You can store thedata in binary files on a PC, you can send commands to and from the hardware module, and process the field data as bits and bytes, mathematically, how do you like more! To finish, you can send the whole file to track hardware and back, or even an Internet site.

Wondering, perhaps, how you are going to do all those wonders. This is really easy! Just visit my website at home, and discover a book tutorials about learning hardware, firmware and software design. Thisno joke, and the book I refer to is the best that can be found today all over the world. It 'just can not believe it! Find and read the table of contents and introductory chapters, and you learn everything you want to know about it. Then it's up to you, but my advice is, do not throw away valuable, useful information, because you're going to need a day. The knowledge is never enough or too much.

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Large Cork Board - Old School Organisation for Visual People

As workloads become heavier and descriptions of jobs blurring traditional lines of tasking, professionals are finding it increasingly difficult to keep track of meetings, project proposals, progress reports and the flood of details that need be kept current. The technology offers a lot of different solutions for this, from smart phones to date e-books of virtual assistants. But for many of us, nothing to bring order to chaos is better than a simple but effective advice to large cork.

A lot oftech heads can chuckle at this, questioning the effectiveness of such a simplistic tool against their high-tech laptops, personal digital assistants or applications on their smartphones. Sure, their devices offer a lot of tools and options for the organization, but it is different from having a visual representation of your tasks pinned on a cork board large ready to watch, rather than having to drop-down menu, navigate Web pages or slide your finger on the touch confusionscreens. A lot of people rely on visual memories and the hard copies that can be easily grasped and re-locked and nothing is more obvious or capture the attention of a cap of color on board large and coordinated string reported.

This is particularly useful for presentations or group discussions, such as size and interactive nature of the board encourages groups to participate in the presentation and discussion and provides a single point of reference that contains a large amount ofinformation. Teams can write directly on the pad and posted figures, instead of having to open the file and share permissions set and change on a network. There is more attention on the discussions and documents as important points may be taken from the edge and changed on the fly.

Using this low carbon footprint option allows you to save money by installing and maintaining networks that require additional manpower and cost, small teams and start-up company can centralize information from the 'board, with a supervisor and keep new jobs to keep all information current and accessible to everyone. Basically, cork boards offer a technology that is extremely low visual form of data collection that moves away from the multi-function gadgets with small screens, projectors and expensive complex software.

Sure, it's old school, but it is not in any way, shape or form, obsolete. Not everyone can keep track electronically and in some way and for specific projects, a great triumph of the cork board32-inch LCD screen. And, oh, the replacement of a torn a cheaper coffee you just bought your team.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Visual Display Tutorial

The display devices may become ineffective if you find yourself using the same ideas over and over again. Customers and employees can easily tire of a display, no matter how wonderful it was to begin. Your graphics should give life to your store, inspire your customers, and showcase what you have to offer. In addition, employees will get tired of straightening and keeping the same old thing, over and over again, and it shows in their interactions with customers. Give themsomething to be excited, let them use their creativity, and you'll see the difference in their attitudes.

Try to combine styles. The style of the display should parallel the style that the customer is looking for. In a boutique, this can mean many different things. If you are looking for customers funky, sophisticated, or glamorous? Strive to have everything show special display of the product in question. Make it as clear as possible that this product meets thecustomer expectations.

It 'important to maintain customer confidence, when you create a display. With confidence, I mean that every aspect of the customer experience in your boutique influence the way they think about you. Turning someone into a loyal customer is the same as becoming a trusted friend. They have to "trust" that what you are showing them is true, to trust with their business and their good opinion.

Need to focus on the exhibition reviewswhat they need to see to build that trust. This means being consistent with the picture quality and price. If you have small signs, tasteful decor and high price tag, then you are promising the client that is selling unique, high quality merchandise. If you are selling clothes at bargain prices in large bins with sales prices of large, then the client should expect that they're going to get some good deals, but the product is not of high quality.

Next you need to make thecustomers comfortable shopping in your boutique. Nobody wants to dig deep in the bins of wrinkled clothes to find what they want. Also, do not want to squeeze between racks crowded back to back with other customers, or waiting their turn to the garment rack. You will need to create space for them to travel and shop comfortably at their own pace.

This may be more difficult in small boutiques. You will need to be creative with your visual displays. You want themeffectively get your point across. You can make room for more displays, retail display systems using such gridwall or staves. Slatwall panels are easily installed and can contain a lot of your inventory, creating more floor space for selling unique and interesting visual display. With only a couple of slatwall accessories, you can create a view that is as effective-lamination as one who takes a lot of space.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Art Deco History

Art Deco in 1920

The mood was optimistic during the 1920s and the future looked bright. First World War was over and the economy was booming all over the world. Jazz was all the rage, women had won the right to vote and the flapper further women freed. The age of the machine was in full swing and the technology has been rapidly improving the quality of life. This was the age which introduced to the radio, the press, the skyscraper and modernized transportation. There was asense of excitement and expectation in the air, a moment to anticipate a future full of promise.

Paris 1925

It 'was during this period that the Art Deco movement began to emerge. An exhibition was held in Paris in 1925, called the Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes. E 'attracted all the major French artists, architects, designers and craftsmen of the period and characterized their work. Although the various works do not all have a commonaesthetic - the Art Deco style is in fact quite eclectic, with influences of Art Nouveau, Cubism, Futurism, Modernism, Neo-Classicism and the Bauhaus (Benton, 2003) - the themes of the works had a common ...

Art Deco News

The themes that emerged from the show were the 'modernity,' Technology 'and' Luxury & Leisure '. Although the exhibition in Paris highlight the works of French artists, the Art Deco movement was global, with deep roots in other European countriescountries, Egypt, India, East Asia, Latin America, South Africa, Australia, United States, Mexico and Cuba 'look' Deco is often difficult to describe, because it is an eclectic mix of styles, but it has the "you You know when you see it "quality about it. (Fulford, 2003).

The Art Deco Classic Look

This style is associated with a glamorous look elegant and symmetrical bold geometric shapes and bright colors like yellow, purple, ruby and turquoise. Skyscrapers,moving objects, and all the days were adorned with drawings as angular zig-zag, chevron and sunburst.

Cars, trains and other means of transportation began to take on a more futuristic, aerodynamic look. Steel, glass and lacquered wood were used to achieve that look elegant and modern. The economic boom has allowed for the free use of expensive materials like diamonds and emeralds in jewelry, and ivory and mahogany furniture.

How to travel comfortably came into vogue, a need tomarketing exotic destinations for the young and wealthy has become increasingly important. significant progress in Graphic Design were taking place in this period and, in turn, there was a mass production of advertising gadget that came out of the Art Deco period, particularly the travel posters.

Art Deco in 1930

With the stock market crash of 1929, the Great Depression began to spread throughout the world. Although it would be another couple of years before the average family has begun toexperiment the effect of this economic crisis, the optimism of the '20s began to be replaced with a bleak sadness.

By the mid-1930s, however, the world had been badly injured and beaten by the Depression and Art Deco was an obscene, the memory of a bright future that never came. It came to be associated with opulence and extravagance that has taken place in the stark reality of the day. Moreover, as the threat of World War II loomed closer, he lookedincreasing vehemence. And with the outbreak of World War II, in 1939, Art Deco was dead.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fix Runtime Error 1004 the Easy Way - Fix Error 1004

Runtime Error 1004 shows when you try to copy the data incorrectly in Excel 2003. The problem is that as you copy data in Excel, the macro that you are using or the method of data entry that you are using, it is likely going to enter the data incorrectly. To ensure this is not a problem, you must be able to resolve the various issues that cause this error to show.

Runtime error 1004 shows in general in this format:

"Runtime Error 1004: Paste method of worksheet classfailed. "

There are two reasons why this error shows. The first is down the way that a Visual Basic macro "tries to copy an entire row of data in Excel worksheet - Excel and this confuses him to become extremely erroneous and unreliable. The other cause of the error is down to Excel 2156 trying to copy pieces of data in the worksheet - that fundamentally confuses the program and makes it crash.

The first way to solve this problem is to makesure you're using only the data specific row in each macro you are using. If you're trying to copy / transfer of a number of cells in the worksheet, you need to get Visual Basic to copy only the content you want, and not the entire line.

You should also try to use a "Registry Cleaner" tool to scan through your PC and fix any problems that exist within the system. A registry cleaner is a software program that is designed to scan through your computer and fix one oferrors / problems that are inside. The registry is a central database that stores settings vital to the computer, making it one of the most important parts of Windows. Unfortunately, it is often the case that the registry are damaged or corrupted - that will bring the system to take much longer to read the files it needs to function, leading to slow down and show errors. In order to stop the 1004 error appears, it is advisable to use a registry cleaner to fix anysettings that are damaged inside your computer.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jobs online - Earn money at home via work placement data

The world today moves us through a rapid pace to face tough competition in every arena of life. The result is that we learn to be competitive and vibrant ourselves, starting right from the school that flows over our college education and careers.

This takes away the possibility that voter most of us to be multitasking and multi-talented in many areas. But once they are established in a career, they become stagnant environment with limited openings for multitasking.Many of our sharp technical skills remain unused.

Jobs online have evolved as an essential platform for seekers of service in an extreme number, but crucial domains. The variety of work offered is incredible, as well as its inconceivable that anyone can access these options by accessing a computer and Internet connection.

The projects may be available via the Internet in this diverse range of sectors, data entry or data processing, market research, work of translation, copywriting, proofreading, web design, project management, legal, management system, audio services, Photography, telemarketing, electronic etc.

For a person with interest in several projects in information technology options are available. NET, C / C + + projects, virtual reality, Java, Link Building, Perl / CGI, graphics, visual basics, security website, Flash, ASP, Cold Fusion, Delphi, Graphic Design, Linux, Python, Telemarketing,> Visual Basic Windows Audio Services, Handheld / PDA, JSP, Logo Design, PHP, Script Installation, Wireless, Banner Design, J2EE, web design, XML etc.

The advantage is that there is no need to limit themselves to one of these categories. As I said before, if you're more experienced, then you can take multiple project into multiple fields. This should not only help to sharpen your talent can also be a source of earning wages surprising replicating the projects of yourchoice.

So a person who has knowledge and experience to implement wireless technology can also work on a project web design, if you have the know-how. This is not possible or practical in our normal work environment in which they are usually tied to a single project that is often chosen for you by others. Not only are limited to one project, your work could be limited to the Implementation and enforcement of a single phase or only part of a project rather than a complete.This often leads to an increase in diverted hone skills in other areas of your experience.

Jobs Online open the possibility of projects in different fields that can help your personal growth rather than growth of the team. And the choice of projects is left out to you, rather than have it chosen for you. So let's not limit ourselves to what we considered obvious, with a little 'research and review, you can easily grab on a chance to hone those multi-tasking, multiskill sets of talents that have developed throughout life.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Wine Education - Basic Wine Tasting Guide

Wine tasting should be an intensely sensual experience.

These basic guidelines will help refine and use in a systematic sense of having strong>, smell and taste to appreciate the infinite nuances of a good wine.


We are very visual creatures and our first instinctive approach to something new is a visual inspection.

Can be seen in a wine color,transparency, fluidity and effervescence of sparkling wines.

In color, look for the intensity given by the quantity of pigment and tone given the aging and the brightness.

Clarity and transparency are linked to the presence of particles and can be assessed by exposing the glass to the light.

The texture is given by solid particles and pigment content of wine.

Only in sparkling wines we will evaluate the persistence of the fizz, the quantity andbubble sizes.


First make sure there are no unpleasant smells such as cork or mold, then start looking for the desired characteristics of that particular wine.

Look for the intensity (the amount of fragrance we perceive before), persistence and the quality of aromas.

At this point you will be able to perceive the floral and fruit notes in young wines and spicy and woody flavors of the more matureones.


Finally, the taste you can appreciate the amount of sugar, alcohol, acids, tannins and minerals.

To better appreciate the balance, intensity and persistence of flavor to try to move the wine around the mouth and then chew before swallowing.

Some wines will give us soft feelings because sugar or glycerin or hard "impressions caused by acidity.

In some wines you can taste the minerals orastringent tannins that gives a, sensation of dry mouth.

A good balance of feeling that makes a harmonious wine. The intensity, persistence and quality of flavors will determine the degree of excellence of that particular wine.

Finally, the degree of evolution of the wine must be considered. A mature wine is at its best, but keep in mind that the life expectancy and the aging time is unique to each wine.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Options with Computer jobs

Computing jobs are a growing sector of the labor market. Work at home have grown exponentially over the past few years computing jobs and more people are able to exploit job opportunities at home Either part time to supplement their income or even run businesses from their home computers. It may also be possible for the unemployed to find work remotely on your computer while you are still looking for traditional employment opportunities.

However, the processes of calculation arenot always work remotely on the Internet. Many of these jobs in the IT industry and can vary from being a telecom consultant for a web developer. There are opportunities to work with software as a developer, engineer or tester. You might also find opportunities in a network analyst, administrator, manager or safe position if you're familiar with this particular area.

Not all jobs are calculated on the computers themselves. For example, you may find positions in the IT industrysales or other administrative positions and support necessary to maintain the computer operations running smoothly. You can also find a job in marketing, media relations or many other areas that allow you to use your training.

Of course, if you lived and breathed computers all his life, there are many other options available. However, right now evaluating the capability of employers in technology and commerce with programs such as SQL. NET, ASP, Java, HTML, JavaScript, Oracle, Linux,Unix, Visual Basic, XML, Exchange, Windows XP, Access, Cisco, SAP and Focus.

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Coaching Baseball Pitchers - use Visual anchor points for the precision-Curve Ball

Image :

A normal for our bullpen pitchers is 25-45 shots depending on time of year, weather conditions, and packaging arm. We always make sure our pitchers are in good condition and their arms are well conditioned, before starting bullpenning our pitchers. Their arms must be strong before you start working or go throw the ball curve.

I am assuming that everyone knows that the 4 basic elements of safely and successfully launch a curve ball.

1) The correct grip.
2) The proper action of the wrist.
3) same arm speed is used as all other areas.
4) A good arm action down shade that pulls the arm pulls down giving the ball rotate as required to reach the finish line strong arm.

NOTE: The curve balls are thrown with the use of a correct grip and wrist action. young players who have not demonstrated the proper mechanics will try to use the action of the elbow to throw the curve ball. This is the basis of all arguments against the youth-curve-ball-use.Failure to learn the proper techniques and safe for the launch field curve ball can and must cause severe injury to his arm gamers.

With that said, I cover how we use 4 different anchor points to change the visual aspect of our curve balls. The anchorage points are just spots or visual landmarks that our focus on pitchers and throw the ball breaks the plane curve desired. The ability of a pitcher to throw four different visualanchor points or objectives to the pitcher 4 different levels to break the curve ball.

The anchors we use are:

1) Hip Beaters - The pitcher must break in the middle of the strike zone and is used to get a strike called. Good first shot. This step should have a good bite down.

2) The arbitrators Mask - This step should break to the outside corner of the plate. This step should be thrown as a strike. This step should have a good bite down.

3) Catcher Mask -Depending on where the collector is set-up, this step can end or off the plate. We are trying to throw a pitch that breaks down the outside of the plate. This step should be a difficult step to hit, even if the batter is expecting a curve ball.

4) Catchers Away From the batter's shoulder - This is a big step. Must be a step impossible to hit. The pass must break at least one foot on the plate.

COACHING POINT: There may be a time when you must throw or a wastepitch in the dirt. Throw this pitch in the hope that the batter will chase a bad pitch. The anchor point used for this step is the glove. Another important point is that the practice of throwing these points stretch and windup delivery. When a pitcher uses an anchor point, the shooter must concentrate and focus on that anchor point for the delivery everything as if it were the gloves. This system can not work for everyone. I hope this information is helpful. Goodluck until next time. Nick Dixon

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Advantages and disadvantages of visual approach and the communicative approach to teaching

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The main disadvantage of the audio visual method is that it encourages students to continue to learn how to get the vote serves as an end to the process. Many students taught by audio visual approach despite getting good grades could not communicate or speak well. They may be able to write well,''but good speech is not in itself something that can be done years later.

The main disadvantage of the method is that communicative language teachingis generally short, usually only a few months. It does not dwell on drilling, but covers different ways of communicating with contextualization, translation and speaking skills. During the study period, role play and group work can also be used but if the student does not and can not speak, then the strategy can be considered unsuccessful.

So the best approach might be a combination of both approaches. It can be adapted for younger students to be closer toAudio visual approach and the approach to older students as close to the communicative approach.

Of course the approach chosen depends on the attitudes and prejudices of the teacher. He or she may favor one approach over another and so can implement an approach closer to their ideal, however imperfect it may be.

One way to reduce this problem is to educate all teachers potential advantages and disadvantages of all approaches to language teaching and learning. Any approachis only one style and styles to get in some fashion for a period and then another approach can get trendy, while the previous approach loses its support and the number of members.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Artists Trading Cards

Here's something I'm in when it comes to arts. They are called ATC or figurine artists.

ATC is a small collage of trading cards made by pasting pieces of what is around your house, or buy at the hobby shop, buttons, fabrics, ropes, cutouts from magazines or anything else. They are usually attached to a piece of paper or cardboard. For those of you who do not like cutting and pasting, may also be small drawings or paintings, or you can write about them untilconform to the required dimensions.

The "project" was initiated in Germany and is now global and very popular. It 'was launched with the main radical

1. The art does not need to be sold. It can and should be freely marketed so that everyone can own art.

2. The art does not need to hang in museums or art galleries and be untouchable to be appreciated.

3. Anyone can make art. In other words, the ATC are socialized art.

Here are the rules:

- All cards must be 3.5 x 2.5 inches.Vertical is preferred.
- Any medium is acceptable. The finished work must be fairly flat. Do not go too overboard with the three-dimensional materials.
- On the back you must put your name, title of piece (remember, it is an original piece of art) and the date. If it is part of a series number it should be.
- Since this is a global art project you might want to put your city and the country also. You never know who you might want to trade with.
- Trade, one by one.

There aremeetings all over the world in which people are free to trade these pieces of art. It 's a great way to have some family fun. Meet with the family the night of art or night game. Get the glue and scraps of whatever and start doing art. Then find a meet and trade what you have done something for someone else did.

Once the hang of it you can always start your own meetings. You can also trade in the mail. As I said, this is a worldwide project. Check out one of many sites.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Online Learning of Visual Design Principles

Before we discuss what are some of the design principles that can be applied to online content, we should define what we mean by "Design". This is one of those words that are always present in every industry that produces something, but it often means something different for each person applying its meaning.

For this discussion, we are making the argument that something has to plan his schedule creation, production and use, and that the application of consistent principles canimprove the usefulness of that thing. In the case of online learning content, this means a plan view of the presentation, and evaluation of such content using accepted principles of instructional design. Yet, we are working in a format that requires the consideration of other applications of design ideas from other fields. The use of media types such as typography, images and audio are directly linked with the method of online distribution, both the presentation and the techniqueconsiderations.

In other words, if we are to produce educational content online, we need to be experts in the fields of training, project management, internet technology, graphics, sound design and web development and design, or we need a competent team to support our efforts. However, the procedures for development of each team can vary to such an extent that we can be responsible for various areas within a project or be forced to change hats because of resource constraints.We may not be experts in every field, but we'd better be sure that there are at least passingly informed, if only to know how to assign and evaluate the tasks to other members.

In short, we should look at design as an application of general principles drawn from various disciplines to the various elements of our content in order to make this content more accessible and effective. To do this, we need to draw on ideas as diverse as graphic design, informationarchitecture, instructional design, web design and development, typographic design, development and other audio.

Visual Basic Design Elements

E 'probable that a large part of the online content development will be presented in a visual form. For this reason, it is important to consider what are some accepted principles of visual design being used by professionals and that we could learn from them to apply to our work. However, the principlesare usually applied to the elements or building blocks of visual representations that we should at least note in passing, although not all may apply to our definition of components and how they will apply the principles. A list of these items may include:


Design principles of Visual Basic

Even if the lists of principles of visual designdiffer from individual to individual, most lists will include some accommodation of the following:

scale - usually in conflict with another object
proportion, usually comparing elements of an object to its elements of other
balance - often represented as an 'idea of symmetry
model - usually refers to the movement or placement of elements within a drawing
emphasis - usually a focal point

These principles are interpreted with different intentions depending on theapplication, so it's hard to find a definitive list, so we only suggest this list as an example:

Symmetry / asymmetry - evidence of the position in relation to one another
Proximity - a grouping of items or items meant to signify
Alignment - an application of symmetry which includes the placement of elements along a line in relation to one another
Repetition - the repetition of elements to construct meaning in the eyes of the viewer
Dynamics - the "movement" orapparent progression of elements according to an ordered or disordered
Hierarchy - The granting of an order of dominance or visual elements
Emphasis - to create a visual focal point
Contrast - with disparate elements, of course, to create emphasis
The unit - which combines all the elements in a harmonious presentation

Symmetry / asymmetry

Symmetry is naturally attractive to viewers, because we are taught that it is beautiful. We appreciate symmetrical elementsbecause we knew better when items are indicative of an event. Equal and opposite elements sense and, in a visual sense, are usually considered beautiful. asymmetrical elements within a group are often disturbing and even unnerving to many observers. The appearances of our bodies are symmetrical, so it is understandable that this is a construct of course attractive.


The proximity of elements denoting theirrelationship between them. The elements that are closer have a stronger relationship than those that are visually far apart. This applies to the images or text, and is a clear visual indicator to the viewer as to the reports.


When objects are aligned along an imaginary line or apparent relevance in a composition, and the order is enhanced for the viewer. Organize visual elements within grids is an old and common practice within a long-Visual design.


The repetition reinforces the importance of an element that indicates the importance of this element for the viewer. They may miss the first run, but after a sequence of repeated elements appear, they begin to understand that the element is important. repetitive elements such as colors or shapes also create a connection between elements of different functions, and provide a link to their subconscious mind of the viewer.


Eachvisual collection> elements have some kind of "feeling" to it. If this momentum is organized and focused, then the "feeling" experienced by the viewer should be close to what the creator intended. However, if the elements do not support dynamic planned, then the impression of the spectator can be in contradiction with what the Creator intended.


People inherently want to understand what is most important in a visual layout, so they can moreeasily identify the content of work. By providing a clear delineation between the relevance of visual elements, the viewer can more easily know what they should be looking, in that order, and why. The lack of a hierarchy leads to confusion and wandering eye.


This idea is related to the hierarchy, since, by providing for a special appearance for the viewer to focus immediately after, the creator can then establish an order for the viewer to follow,or at least to get through a primary focus.


Sometimes, the best way to highlight an item is to present its antithesis to the viewer. This highlights the main features of the elements by their absence in its opposite.


The ultimate goal of any visual project is to draw attention to this or that item in isolation, but to create a coherence between all elements in order to submit a message. Design that is flat and contains no messagesuninteresting and ultimately ignored by the viewer as irrelevant. If the elements of a project may be forced to strengthen a unified message or impression on, the design for its purpose.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The art of porcelain restoration

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antique porcelain is renowned for its historical and artistic values. many items due to human negligence and natural disasters, precious porcelain damaged and lose their monetary value and cultural importance. porcelain restoration not only helps to preserve the monetary value of a porcelain, but it helps to preserve the work of art for future generations.

Professional restoration of porcelain requires a reset to undergo basic training. Many colleges and universities offerPorcelain and ceramic restoration courses and some offer diplomas and certificates. The restorer should know the difference between the various materials, such as porcelain, ceramic, earthenware, terracotta, earthenware, clay and plaster, to learn to work with many types of brushes, airbrush and how to operate, and learn the skills required to polish and lacquer the surface of objects. During the restoration of Chinese and Japanese porcelain restorer needs to know the historical period the item wascreated to match the color model and the surface. On top of that, he or she must also have artistic ability, the right temperament to work long hours and appreciate the delicate and painstaking work of restoration of porcelain, which often requires. A casual approach to the restoration of porcelain damage more elements in place of restoration and conservation.

Here are the steps required to restore elements in china:

1. A careful examination of the voice and the routepieces.

2. Washing and cleaning of parts (in many cases, old glue or restoration has to be removed) in order to prepare for a new restoration.

3. Sculpting the fragments and micro-fragments needed for a perfect fit of the pieces already broken.

4. Bonding and gluing the pieces.

5. Matching and replicate the model of surface and color / design, first with a brush and then with an airbrush, which often requires several steps.

6. Glasses orcoating, depending on the material.

The restoration takes between three to four weeks, depending on the severity of the damage. A restorer of ethics has a strong focus on conservation, which means strengthening the item being restored and using only those materials that do not damage the object substance, thus helping the conservation for many years to come.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

3D Graphics Illusions

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Welcome to the world of 3D illusions. These 3D images are catching the world by storm. Once you see these amazing images that we think will be as excited as we are about this new computer generated art form.

The roots of this art actually date back to 1838. It 'started with the simple observation and expanded crude drawings and from there moved to a more advanced form in the late 1950s when professionals were studying how our vision. Then theThe technology further extended at the end of 1960 and 1970. During this time computers began to be for use that have made it possible to create lighter, more complex images. In the late 1980 things began to advance rapidly and computer enthusiasts around the world began to share their technology and images (mostly very simple shapes and designs). Up to this point, no one had learned how to represent animals, landscapes, spaceships, etc. But the progress did not stop there because the artistscontinued to share their developments and hard work. Their intentions were to create images that appeal to every human being.

So what had started as an observation 175 years ago dramatically turned into a big business when artists began creating high quality and incredibly detailed 3D images we have today. This technology has rapidly made its way into the mainstream of life all over the world. Nearly 30 million books have been sold to date. From all indications this is just 'beginning as the rest of the world begins to see this fantastic new art form.

What other possible uses could arise from this form of art? Well, Eye Adventures in the coming months will be to build or license other companies to create posters, T-shirts, calendars, wallpaper, postcards, Christmas wrapping paper, greeting cards, and who knows what else (all of which contain large designs in them.) Although this is probably several years into the future, imagine howa great film in this kind of 3D would be.

What's next? We do not know exactly, but we are sure that once you have learned to see these images, you will also be happy to see each new step forward in the field. Our company has followed the progress of these great pictures for years and we believe this book is the best way to experience this new information technology. There are only a handful of one-of-a-kind experiences in life and we are sure that this is something that has verya lot.

Last note before the excitement begins

This new form of art taps into the natural ability of our eyes and our minds. See how each of us has two eyes, with each sending a visual message to our mind, the mind must somehow combine these two images in one or we would have double vision (see two of everything). This is what makes these special images unique. So when you look through the image, one of your eyes becomes one half of the puzzle and theother eye gets the other half of the puzzle. Then, when they are combined in our minds a magical thing happens.

To our amazement, it ends up feeling like something X-ray view The 2D melts a few meters and it appears as though something wonderful is in a small room in a magical space of its own.

There are those who see them very fast and others can take a while '. This has nothing to do with intelligence. It 's just a trick your eyes will help you to understand once you give it some'time and practice. The first time you do anything can be uncomfortable or difficult, simply because we have no idea what to do. In this case, there is nothing else to do something like that. So read the instructions and try each technique. It may take a little 'work on your part, but once this is done, it becomes easier and faster each time until you can see almost instantly.

A key thing to remember is that if your eyes focus on the same image that is impossible to see the hiddenimage. However, if through the eyes and imagine what's behind the wall colors that will be awarded as a 2D image fades back to this area and an amazing 3D scene magically appears. It 's almost as if you can reach and pull the tiger, plane, horse, tree, butterfly, alien, soccer player, etc, etc, etc.


Here are a few tips to make it easier to start the 3D view:
a. In general, you want bright lighting when you arelearn how to view 3D illusions.
b. Some people who wear glasses will be easier for them to take off until they can move close enough to see the image clearly.
c. Look straight ahead, do not tilt your head. The 3D is more evident with the hidden layer.

The only people who can not see these images are visually impaired or can only see with one eye. Some people with stigmatisms strong or a very dominant eye (where one eye for whatever reason,more visual information much more than others) may also have difficulty viewing these images. But for the rest of us with something approaching normal vision (even if you wear glasses), with a little or a lot of practice and patience, the 3D images can be hidden in these views.

Technique One:

One of the best ways to see free (look at these without special glasses) these images for a beginner is to try this technique before.

Look for your reflection in the glossy coverof this book. This makes the image go blurry (out of focus) and you'll feel like you're starting to double itself. Believe it or not this is good. It has to do this no matter what technique you use. Reflection helps to focus your eyes on something other than the 2D part of the picture. If the surface of the 2-D picture is not blurry (slightly out of focus) the 3-D image will not appear.

Once you have your focus on reflection, just relax. Sometimes it takes a few minutesbut we assure you that it is worth your time. You will begin to feel something happening. Just keep looking at the reflection, is blurring and the image starts to move in strange ways. This means that your eyes have to figure out how to do this. Just keep looking at your reflection and the image will be displayed soon.

Technique Two:

Look at the image, but not focus on anything. Just kind of give him a blank stare, without focusing your eyes on the image. Just look in the direction ofimage, then relax. After a while, 'you will start to "feel" something happen. The image begins to disappear, then change will occur and some double vision. When he does just keep relaxing and continue with the blank stare. Your eyes will do the rest of the work when you are patient. When the image comes first is usually just a piece of it. Keep doing the same look relaxed and the result will "pop" in then you can begin to look around in the image and see more and more of the3D.

Technique Three:

Place the thumb image before your eyes. It will be totally focused. This is good. Let your eyes get a little 'habit. So, without changing the focus of your eyes, slowly move the image away from your eyes. Then he stops at a distance, the picture would be blurry, if you just relax and go with the flow. If not and you see the picture very clear, start over because it is now your eyes focused on 2D and this is what we aretrying to train not to do. If this happens just start over again so close to your eyes is completely out of focus, then move away again and keep staring in the direction of the image. After many attempts, you just pop in

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gestalt: Law of similarity

The law of similarity is one of the four laws of visual perception, as theorized by gestalt psychologists. Paul Martin Lester, author of Visual Communication, an expert wrote: "The law of similarity that, given a choice on the part of the brain, you select the most stable and easiest form to focus on importance. This law stresses' of basic shapes in the form of squares, circles and triangles. "

What does this mean? We tend to group similartimes and forms, often trying to attack a certain kind of meaning for them. For example, if we see a row of small triangles, one tends to regard it as one line or row. There are less inclined to consider them as separate triangles, but we are more inclined to see how a line of triangles.

Another factor on the law of similarity has to do with what we first identify when the display format and forms. We are inclined to notice the shapes of letters, colors and shapes (as opposed to tryingwhat is not similar). Our human minds quickly identify patterns faster than the individual parts of the model. We like to see how the pattern of flows together. We love the designs with repeated forms, shapes, colors and textures.

Gestalt theory relates to how we see things in general. The laws of Gestalt refer to the way that usually assimilate visual information in particular from the beginning. This does not mean that we do all the time and do not want to see things more in depthbe. However, the understanding of the Gestalt laws are beneficial for graphic designers, because this knowledge teaches us to understand our similarities in the layout.

Another place where the law of similarity is at its peak is seen in retail stores. When retailers set up display in which the design of the product are repeated over and over again, it looks really smart of us. In fact, sometimes repeated patterns look great! When consumers separate the product from the display and throw it intheir cars more often, the magic is gone!

Graphic designers concerned with how information is received. Most of us get visual information quickly and easily as we gather information. If a graphic artist understands the law of similarity, one can predict what their viewers are noticing a quick look at the middle. Graphic designers anticipate how the product will be grouped when the shop where you capitalize the law of similarity. Thisvisual information can improve communication and save companies millions of dollars on advertising campaigns. (Revised 2/15/2006)

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Friday, September 10, 2010

How to choose an airbrush

Like any other tool, you want to choose the proper gun for the job at hand. There are many different options available to spray. It 's often difficult to decipher how to buy a gun with the jargon used by producers. This is an explanation of the basic options available spray.

If you are shopping for your gun first, you want to stick with brand name equipment from reliable sellers. Learning to airbrush can be adifficult task, and it is not necessary to add the frustration of poorly designed equipment, or a gun that was used and damaged by someone else.

The first option is to see double action airbrushes verses single action. A single action airbrush is not possible to control the flow of paint while painting. Just press the trigger down, and you get the mixture of air and paint spray gun that is set. Applications for single action airbrushes are rather limited. ADouble action airbrush allows you to control the needle at all times to regulate the flow of paint. Pulling the trigger down, you only get air, but as you pull the trigger back, the more you pull, the paint will flow more. This allows you to develop great control of the airbrush, as you can go from thin to thick lines at once.

The second option to consider is top-feed or gravity-feed, bottle-feed airbrushes verses. In general, a gravity feed airbrush that allowswork at a lower PSI, which allows the artist to achieve greater detail. The disadvantages of spray guns and gravity feed is that the cup of paint may contain only a small amount of paint, and sometimes blocks the vision of the artist's work. An airbrush bottle feeding requires a higher PSI to operate in order to obtain the necessary vacuum effect to pull up the paint bottle. In general, feed-spray bottles are used for shading and line work base, and gravity-feed spray guns are usedfor detail work.

The third option to consider is the size of Aug. The size of the needle determines how big the opening is for painting to be atomized. In general, the smaller the size of the needle, the smaller the line can be achieved. A 0.5 mm needle is considered standard and can accommodate most types of paint spray gun. Depending on your skill level, a wide range of work can be done with an airbrush with a 0.5 mm needle. The smaller the needle, the more the paint should be reducedfor proper flow. needles larger heavier paints will be used.

If you are looking for a tool for learning to airbrush Effectively, the following three models are recommended, as they are fairly easy to gain confidence, and will continue to be useful as your skill develops.

1. Thayer and Chandler Vega 2000 - This is a double action airbrush bottle-feed. Can be purchased as a kit that comes with the 'airbrush, 6 foot hose, bottles of paint, and 3 differentsize needle that can be changed by the user.

2. Paasche VL - This is a double action airbrush bottle feeding, and was a longtime favorite of airbrush artists. This is a very popular model for artists T-Shirts. It can also be purchased in a kit with a tube, bottle, and August 3 different sizes that can be modified according to the color that will be used.

3. Iwata Eclipse HP-BCS - This too is a double action airbrush bottle-feed. Iwata is considered the gold standard inairbrush industry currently. The Eclipse HP-BCS can be purchased as a kit that includes a hose 10 feet, and a bottle of paint. Comes with 0.5 mm needle.

Learning to airbrush can be difficult and frustrating at times, but by their own means and the time and effort, you get exceptional results.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Basic concept on Clipping Path & Image masking

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Image Clipping Path & Photoshop Masking-If you are associated with graphic design you've probably heard of. Clipping path and image masking techniques are more common and popular graphics professionals. This service is now more demanding in graphic outsourcing industry today.

Clipping Path:

Clipping path is a term used in graphics. It 'made it using Photoshop's powerful pen. The term means to cut clips from any objectPath means a voice and crop an image. So clipping path: delete selected objects from the background. The object becomes mobile any background, while others cut off.

Clipping Path in the process of separating objects from their context is known as isolation, and isolated parts of the images are placed on a new background. And 'possible to create another image or simply to remove the background and changed its color. clipping path is very useful for the elimination of background. Youcan do whatever you want with clipping path in a variety of graphics editing. Experts generally use the Pen tool for competence with greater accuracy for the customer to insert an image into a new background.

After the launch of Adobe Photoshop, you must open an image from the File menu. Then find the Pen tool in the toolbox. Then click on the pen tool pen and display the icon on the top bar under the menu. Now you can zoom in by pressing CTRL [Add] +. Then willeasy to clip. Pressing Alt will break the curve in an image. After completing the course you have to do selection. To copy the selected image and you can paste the selected background.

Image masking:

Image masking is a popular method of editing images. Has been created for an adjustment and attachment to a new level with the background layer to hide the unwanted pixels with the color black and white. To make pictures more attractive, it is necessarychange the background image. Using image masking technique can pay the more complex images from their background. Gives it a perfect image.

This technique is mainly used to prepare the product catalogs. Any image can be extracted from other source image and cut out from the background. This technique is very useful for viewing and promotional purposes. Moreover, this technique has become absolutely necessary for product and fashion photography to makephotos more valuable to play in the glamorous world.

For that first you must open your image in Photoshop and go to the Layers palette, then click the level that you want to create a mask. Double-click on it if it is "level of background." Which will be converted into an unlocked level. Select it and click OK. Select an area of the image you want to display. Now choose a brush tool, like the brush or pencil. Then click Mask Mode. Photoshop coverparties do not select the image.

Then select the area you want to show, "A blind area, go in, then click Add layer mask, then reveal the selection. If you select the area you want to hide or delete the "hidden area", go in, then click Add layer mask, and Hide Selection. Then you save your work.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Equipment operating Simple Turing test - Visual Turing apparatus 2.0 Appearance

Gajo Csaba May 31 (U.S. time), becomes the latest edition of Visual Turing Machine, "Visual Turing Machine 2.0" was released. Visual Turing Machine Java was mounted with the Turing machine graphics. When the operation of the Turing machine is studied, it is difficult to describe language and there is also a feature of the place where you can experiment with the click of a GUI.

2.0 This update of the workspace on a large scale to removeadding a set-ary symbol, assembly and memory problems of MDI (10,000 x10, 000 pixels), the function that such statistics use the update function that gathers many machine is new, discounting the duties of running the time machine n, the appointment and the tape speed and use statistical function of order and function that converts the program into other languages is added.

Regarding the Turing machine in one of the calculationmodels are simplified, with the computer there are many a thing that is collected as part of the study. Visual Turing Machine besides simply because the operation is displayed, it is easy to see. The user's interest to use it probably should have tried.

New features have recently been moderate:

- N-ary symbol set

- Multiple windows (MDI)

- Workspace huge (10000x10000 pixels) without a memory problem

- Ability to change itsMachines

- Running the machines n times (where n is defined)

- Expressions of use, eg, n 5, run machines

- Running machines desired speed

- Statistics to see how many instructions were executed and how the tape was "used"

- Easily translated into other languages

- Developed using the MVC pattern

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How do I become a computer programmer

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Programming a computer has always fascinated me. To be able to type a few lines of English in a car, and then makes a lot of things for me was really exciting. Still. If I need to do some homework, I just write a program to do it for me and I can take the rest of the week off!

If you're a person creative or lateral thinking, computer programming can be very satisfying, especially if you're doing to yourself or freelance. I've been programming in variouslanguages since about 1987, and I still enjoy it.

So how do you become a programmer? Where to start?

First, you must be able to work a computer. Using the mouse, keyboard, move the file explorer to go around and so on. You must also have a reasonable ability in mathematics. (Or you can learn as you go along.)

Then you must decide what kind of programs you want to write - financial, games, operating systems, machine controllers, etc. - becauseeach type of programming is a particular type of programming language that is especially suited to it. For example, Delphi is improved database, good for C + + operating systems, Visual Basic, works well in web applications.

Then you must select the programming language you want to use. eg. Delphi, C + +, Visual Basic, etc., etc.

You'll need to buy a compiler, the software package you use to write yourprograms. (Or use one at your school or library, or borrow a friends computer, if he has installed. But in the end you will have to buy)

Then you need to go is on a path that offers lessons in that language, or start teaching yourself, in which case you should refer to books. Courses are available by mail order, at Technikon or university. Usually these institutions provide a low cost "student" version of the compiler for you.
Then you need atwo years (part time) to do this study. Maybe after a month or two you will be able to run programs that are kinda useful

Programming is a set of commands written in a "language" that is normal English words, but a small finite set of them, together with the symbols and punctuation that everything has a particular function. For example

How WriteSomething


form1.edit1.text: = 'Hello boys ";

form1.edit1.visible: = true;



This little 'programming would put the text "Hello guys" in a small box on the screen, but note: This is only part of a wider program, and does not work alone. If you leave out of a semicolon or a period, the program will not work

Then you write this "English" in a particular format, so the compiler can "interpret", and convert it into machine code so the computer can "understand" andrun. A compiler strong> is the software that takes your program, written in this pseudo-English, and converts it into a computer-readable and executable

Delphi version 7.0, where the program is written above, and occupies about 500MB of disk space, and does not use all that much memory, so that will run on a standard, computer-entry to the shelf. Borland South Africa very kindly sponsored my version, for which I am extremely grateful. The lastversion of Delphi is quite expensive, and requires a bit 'of capital investment.

Some programming language compilers: Delphi, Turbo Pascal, Object Pascal, Fortran, C + +, C #, Basic, Visual Basic, Cobol, Lisp, Prolog, SQL, HTML, ModBus, etc. There are many, many others, some to make web pages and applications online, using their mobile phones, the embedded controller, and so on. Basic is the easiest to use, but Turbo Pascal is probably the bestcompromise between simplicity and utility.

Be prepared to work hard and do a lot of study, and spend a lot of time learning to program. And 'difficult at first, but over time to become familiar with the syntax and the philosophy of language, and then it becomes much easier. So never give up. The light goes on at the end!

Duncan Kelly

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Creative Design

The design is an incredibly positive change in life activities, and best of all, anyone can learn to draw. If you have a view of the media, hand-eye coordination, and your writing is legible, you have all the skills needed to draw well. The rest is motivation.

But back to "the amazing" for a moment, what is striking in design? Drawing will change your life, because as you start drawing you perceive the surroundings in a different way, really opens your eyes. Youwill see positive and negative space, shapes, forms and shades of light and darkness that you were not aware of before.

Creativity is like a vital part of life, starting drawing will give you an easy way to express your creativity. In an instant, design and creativity can become a meditative state, a state where you are relaxed and your entire system can regenerate. To draw creatively moves naturally in an Alpha state of mind.

It is even better, with most otheractivities that show the results so deep, you will pay a bundle. Start drawing instead (no pun intended), it is very cheap, my guess is, everyone can afford to buy some pencils, rubber and paper.

Like everything in life, if you have not done something before, you may think you can not do. This is actually one of the most common reasons why people do not start drawing. Just be assured, if you are able to learn to write letters, you will be able to learnto draw.

Treat yourself to learn, give it some 'time, recognize that begins drawing with some learning techniques and how to use tools (pencils). The rest will follow naturally, and creativity will take over and further expand your skills.

What You will need:

Pencils: And the tools and technologies are evolving, the simple pencil has retained its basic structure since its inception. However, there are many varieties, fortime obtain a 2B and 8B. Pencils can be still called lead pencils, but not in the form of lead, are made of graphite and clay, the more graphite, the blacker and softer lead pencil.

Paper: You can draw anything on normal paper copy form to a number of sketchbooks, or a variety of individual papers with textures from your art store.

Tires: tires are used for ordinary and mixed techniques

Hereare some of the reasons more to the importance of design, esp. If you plan to become an artist.

The design is fundamental to the creation of your future works.
The design is used to develop ideas, regardless of subject.
To develop sketches represent tonal areas, lights and shadows, piano compositions, record information from sketches on the spot in addition to creating works of art over.

The traditional theories of art evolve from observation and drawing.

Learning to drawinvolves learning to see. Being able to see shapes, proportion, tone and line in and around a theme, along with a basic understanding of perspective which will form the basis of good artwork. Such basic knowledge learned from the practice continues, I will translate what you see in a visual image on paper.

In the end, what this means, the design is a form of incredible creativity free to use for everyone, and if you embrace, as it probably will happenAre you interested to take forever and opens the door to the art world you never would have expected.

Go ahead, embrace the plan, you know that you want.

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

About Art Galleries

Art galleries art museums also referred to as reserved areas where it is stored and displayed visual art. They serve as a space for art exhibitions. The most common type of art is exhibited paintings. Among other works of sculpture, photography and installation arts. Some museums display pieces of applied art work. In addition to displaying visual art, art galleries are used to host concerts and poetry readings.

There are various types of tunnels.Examples include private and public galleries. Private galleries are used for commercial purposes, where entrepreneurs sell their wares to audience members. People use public galleries nonprofit activity, as to enlighten the public on different types of visual art. People use both types as places of music and poetry functions or concerts.

A contemporary art gallery includes a gallery owned by an individual or individuals with a commitment tomake a profit. There are many of these places in different parts of the world. These galleries are usually grouped in one area, in urban areas. For example, many people consider the Chelsea district of New Yolk found within the city as the center of the contemporary art world. Many tourists tour several galleries where you learn and observe how different styles of painting, sculpture and modeling.

Other galleries online gallery where artists form of websites andjob cuts over the Internet. Before seeing such a work, you pay online, thus promoting the work of art. online gallery looked like the way forward, because of the realization of huge profits and minimize costs. To visit an online gallery, you must not go to the physical location of the tunnel. One needs to access the particular website and then view the artwork. These sites receive many visitors from around the world, resulting in high margins andprofits.

There are many sites online Art Gallery, due to strong competition, the cost of visiting these galleries are low thereby supporting the consumer. Before you open these Web sites, you should compare various formats online site and resolve with the size of the gallery, home to their tastes and preference. Other galleries are vanity galleries. These galleries show members of the public works of the artists'. Artists pay for their work such as tunnels. As a piece of arthas the resume artists, tourists are able to contact the artists for the services of works of art. Art Galleries Vanity similar work for a company graphics and advertising.

Within an art gallery, not every visual art is displayed for viewing. Examples include aged master prints. These paintings are kept in secure environments for conservation purposes. They have a different form of architecture, founded by Sir John Soane who designed the famous Dulwich picture gallery back in 1817. The gallery hasplaces to hang paintings and other works of visual arts. This site has a system of indirect lighting the sky. These galleries are a source of income as serve as tourist attractions. Besides commercial purposes, serve as symbols of national heritage to showcase the talents and history of different countries.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

5 tips for beginners drawing

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Designing things is a skill moderately easy and can be a source of great fun. As a hobby that is not too expensive, or you can start with a pencil and notepad. And if your budget allows, you can use the computer and software design. And this simplicity of its design makes it an art form very popular.

Many young people are taking drawing as a hobby. Drawing Comics action hero and various cartoon characters entertainment has become a craze now.

With some basicdesign tips everyone can improve their skill level and be a creator of best design. Here I will give some design tips that will help you improve your skill level.

1. If you're just starting out you should practice drawing simple shapes such as circles, ovals, and eggs with reasonable accuracy. These basic shapes can be used to draw complex shapes more.

Second. Because these basic shapes will be the construction lines in which the main design will be structuredto practice drawing these lines as light as possible.

3. If you find it difficult to draw the basic shapes take help of models of the circle, the compass or nannies.

4. To improve your skill in figure drawing be selective. Concentrate on a specific area and practice a lot. For example you may want to practice drawing tricky areas like hands, draped over simple areas like nose, lips, etc.

5. Using a good quality material, make your drawing lookgood and save you from a lot of frustration. Your tire should remove cleanly without smudging the drawing. And your pencil should be strong enough to draw lines without requiring frequent sharpening.
You can also try clutch pencils because they require less maintenance than wood cased pencils.

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Friday, September 3, 2010

How to Sketch a Car - Learn to Draw a car that looks real

Learn to draw a car can often be frustrating, but when they do well and 'feeling great. If you're trying to figure out how to draw a car properly and make it look real then your in the right place. I'm going to give you some tips that professionals use to make their cars look real enough to drive right off the page!


The end result of a design depends greatly on how you created the Foundation. If you have a good design foundation,the rest of your work will be much easier. So how do you?

First, start the sketch using a grid, 1 inch x 1 inch will do well. This will allow you to get the size of your tires, windows and parts of the body generally correct in comparison to the rest of the design. It will also make your job easier later when you boot your shadow, because you can concentrate on the background of a mailbox at a time and concentrate on getting the details right.

Oncethe grid set up, take your time and make sure the car's smooth lines and sharp. This may take some time to teach little hands' like crazy to do their job, but you learn to stick! Be sure not to give up a plan too quickly, the only way you can fail is to stop drawing. Do not stop and you can not lose.


An important part of learning to draw a car is developing an understanding of light, texture and shape. When I sayI mean light the way light plays on a machine, metal, plastic and rubber tires. Take note of how the cars look different light and apply this to your design.

A great way to practice this is to get some pictures of cars and use a photo editor to change them to black and white. This way you will not get distracted by the colors and will be able to see exactly how the tones and the light should work on your machine.

Texture is also very important, being able to create atexture with a pencil is a difficult thing to do. All you can do is observe and practice, find out what looks good and what is not.

Being able to simplify complex images into simple forms helps a lot with your ability to create a precision machine. Start with simple shapes and slowly add details, this is the best way to learn to draw a car.

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

5 Tips to increase the scores of Hub Fast Page

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Are you a new hubber that would increase your page's hub score quickly? Hub pages rank very high in the results of search engines and can help drive a lot of quality targeted traffic to your site. Create Hubpages quality is one of the newest SEO marketing strategies to capture everyone's attention. Let's look at the entire area of scores hubpage and what you can do to improve them.

The quality score of a particular hubpage reflected as a particularly influential hubberit is. Nobody really knows how grades the quality of content on a page as hubs and impacts the public, but this score is calculated in real time and displayed on the page hub.

Since this is a dynamic value, the score hubpage could be different every time you check. If you're a newcomer who wants to be perceived as a hubber quality, then you do not need to know how to create great hubs that attract a lot of people. Here are a few tips to help you makethat fast.

1) Create content-rich centers.

Unique exclusive content has more value PLR or badly written. Make sure your article provides useful information about any topic you are writing about with suggestions that really help the reader. A long article with exclusive content is likely to get a higher score hubpage.

2) Includes visual media.

Make your page more interesting by adding a good image preview, photos,screenshots and video that you invite your reader to stay on the page longer. popular belief that search engines estimate the value and popularity of a page from how long your reader sticks around. A visually rich hub page makes it much easier. Even if you are writing a simple recipe, throw in pictures of the process and the final result to make your page more attractive hub.

3) Be a frequent commentator

Become a fan of popular hubbers, comments on the forums, commentregularly on Hubpages and others in the forum hub pages. This increases the likelihood that others will follow hubbers your comments back to your hub and leave comments on yours. You can greatly increase your hubpage page views in this way. A hub that gets a lot of opinions and feedback is more likely to get a higher score because there is no genuine readers and traffic flow. Just make sure to leave comments on-topic genuine!

4) Integration of outbound links

Networking is at the centerof media. Make it a point to incorporate about 2-3 outgoing links on each page hub that is built is not quite promotional.

5) Get more back

The acquisition of quality backlinks from other sites help your page be considered as a hub to hub authorities. Make your top priority to increase the amount of backlinks coming in.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Visual Persuasion - Exhibitions effective on a Budget

One of the main goals of a lawyer is to tell a credible story. One way to achieve this is to present evidence in understandable, credible and persuasive manner. Regardless of the oratorical skills of the lawyer or witnesses, effective use of exhibitions in collaboration with the narration is much more effective in terms of conservation of memory and ability to persuade the trier of fact, the narrative alone.

demonstrative evidence appeals to people because it is more of our senses.Every time a lawyer can do more than allow his audience to hear the case, he or she is to be more effective. When you add visual perception and tactile perception, increases people's ability to understand your case.

I. The demonstration tests against real test

There is some crossover between real evidence and demonstrative evidence. Typically "concrete evidence" is used to refer to a real physical object such as a murder weapon. When an object isillustrative, as a model, pageant, or exemplary, the test tends to be concentrated in the term "demonstrative." Regardless of how we talk, most types of tests are generally admissible in Missouri courts with the foundation of the case.

II. Foundation for the introduction of demonstrative evidence.

The use of demonstrative evidence is well accepted in courts in Missouri after a foundation is correct. The individual exhibition and its use will determine thefoundation necessary for eligibility. The following example is provided foundations for some of the most typical types of demonstrative evidence.

A. Verification of photographs. The key elements are:

1. The witness testimony is familiar with the subject or scene that is depicted.
2. The witness explained the basis for his familiarity with the subject or scene;
3. The witness recognizes the object or the scene of the photo shows;
4. Thephoto accurate and / or is more the object or scene at the material time.

B. diagrams or charts. The foundation elements are:

1. The chart or graph shows a certain area, object or theory;
2. A witness familiar with that area, subject or theory;
3. The witness explained the basis for their familiarity with the area, object or theory;
4. In the witness' opinion of the diagram or graph is an accurate representation of the area, subject or theory;
5. Ifthe chart or diagram shall include the report of experimental evidence or evidence of a foundation must also be made conditional that the witness is qualified to establish theories, the validity and reliability of any instrumentation.
6. The underlying theory is scientifically valid evidence in the field ';
7. The theory is generally accepted;
8. The instrumentation and methods are reliable;
9. The instruments are generally acceptable and reliable;
10. The testimony isqualified to conduct and interpret evidence;
11. The instrumentation used to get and validate the theory was in good working conditions;
12. The procedures were followed correctly and that the witness was the outcome in conjunction with the representation in the diagram or a chart that shows the theory.

C. computer animations and simulations.

Foundation for computer animation or simulation will depend on how it is used. Will be used as evidence to illustrate an expertopinion witness, or be used as test substance.

Use of such tests is generally limited when the attempt is to introduce as an example of what happened in a particular situation, unless a foundation is laid showing substantial similarity between conditions at the time of the event depicted and Those assumed simulation or animation. See Richardson v. State Hwy. and Transp. Comm'n, 863 SW2d 876, 882 (Mo. Bane. 1993). Sometimes the animations can also beexcluded simply because they are more damaging evidence, as happened in the State of V. Stella, 998 SW2d 61, 67-68 (Mo. App 1999), in which the court concluded that a video depicting forensic animation and recreating the defendant's version of a shooting, was not eligible.

The proper foundation to admit evidence animation is similar to other scientific evidence with some variations. Search this case should be done, but a foundation might be general:

1.There are valid scientific equations and principles known to science underlying problems;

2. Computer technology can produce simulations or models based on scientific equations and principles that are scientifically valid;

3. The clients, equations and formulas that are scientifically valid are properly planned and put into a computer program or software;

4. To generate the animation or simulation, certain inputs must be made (usuallymathematics) and the nature of the measurements that are made;

5. The source of the measurements and their validity;

6. The relevant software can convert the data entered in pictures accurate and fair representation that is a scientific principle to be demonstrated;

7. Someone qualified input data necessary to use the program and with the principles and scientific equations that have been implemented in the program;

8. The real physicalcomputer has been checked to ensure the data was entered correctly and that the system works properly;

9. The operator (s) were not only trained to use computers, but also to insert specific information;

10. The images were recorded on a medium which is reliable;

11. A witness qualified by experience and training recognizes the representation to say that describes fairly and accurately the elements above the foundation.

III. Typical types of investments

1.The real physical object in question;
2. Reproductions or models;
3. Photographs;
4. Close up photographs or strengthened;
5. Aerial photographs;
6. X-ray;
7. TAC;
8. MRI films;
9. Medical videocassettes (procedures);
10. Videotape or Motion Pictures;
11. Slides;
12. Diagrams;
13. Graphs;
14. Maps / Plats:
15. Transparencies;
16. Medical or anatomical drawings;
17. Anatomical models;
18. Contracts, letters andrelevant documents;
19. Advertising;
20. Sound recordings such as 911 tapes.

IV. Issues of admissibility

A. Considerations for admission.

In addition to making the case for a specific research foundation correctly, you should include the development of exhibitions not only the effect that will have on the jury, but the effect it will have on your opponent. Besides anticipating specific objections, determine if the results show unfairprejudice, or is misleading the jury.

demonstration tests have the capacity to move people emotionally and to have a significant impact. Care must be taken to ensure that while the test is effective, not overly emphasize the concepts questionable or unduly emphasize the human responses such as disgust, contempt or pity. Council should also pay attention to whether the exposure may mislead the jury.

An example of when a show can mislead the jury is inGladhill see General Motors Corp., 743 F.2d 1049 (fourth Cir. 1984). In this case, the court has allowed a demonstration video tape by the defense of the braking characteristics of a 1980 Chevrolet Citation. Unfortunately, the accident occurred at night on a recurring downward curve and the demonstration was made to plan the day and was conducted by an expert tester. On appeal, the defense argued that the videotape was not a reconstruction of 'accident, but was "ademonstration of some operating characteristics of the vehicle in question. "The appellate court disagreed, but he felt that the testimony was misleading because Citation was shown on a large paved open road travels in a straight line with an expert driver test rather than the circumstances that were actually relevant in the particular case.

B. Objections typical

Typical objections demonstration tests usually include: lack of funds, lack of relevance orunduly prejudicial.

In addition to these general objections, the attack on demonstrative evidence can be made on a foundation core issue. An example would be a digital representation of a test can be attached to the basic results, or that information is not reliable, or that there is no proper chain of custody or that the results have been misrepresented.

V. Why use visual presentations / demonstrations Tests

In the era of video games, televisionand movies, we must bear in mind that we are all student media. Many experts, jury consultants and others have studied the effects of visual presentation and our ability to learn. One of these remarkable paper Marino and Mayer, multimedia presentations in Visual Learning: Conditions that Overload Visual Working Memory, University of California, Department of Psychology reports that the visual presentation in collaboration with the narrative is the auditorypresentation more effective for learning. Each has a capacity to store information. However, studies like this have shown that memory can be overloaded by things like the visual presentation in collaboration with the visual text. The most effective method of learning pictorial information seems to be combined with auditory information, the sequence the two together.

This kind of presentation is perfect for the mediation process and the environment. During a mediation,submitting lawyer or the narrator may use visual diagrams, graphs or images to make points in their explanation of the case. At trial, the normal question and answer method of listening tests in conjunction with the visual presentation and explaining is an effective tool for educating the jury.

For more information and ideas on the presentation of visual information, please read E. Tufte, Visual Explanations, Images and Quantities, Evidenceand narrative. Another source is more oriented toward lawyers S. Hamlin, What Makes Juries listen today.

VI. Common Errors in Preparation Show

Every visual presentation is intended to promote a certain idea or concept. Unfortunately, unless the display is clear and easy to read, will not be effective.

common errors are problems with the color and contrast. The following are some tips when preparing the exhibition. blue text on a black background or similar colorcombinations are difficult to read because of the lack of contrast. Other combinations of colors like blue and red can cause illusions when positioned closely. Yellow, a color that is very effective for presentations, tends to disappear on a white or light colored.

When preparing the exhibition, you should always take account of practical problems, like the color contrast of the above. In addition, there is an event known as "simultaneous contrast, which can happen whenopposite colors are placed in close proximity to one another. The text may appear to vibrate or shadow. eye fatigue will be increased with the use of color strongly opposed and would have avoided where possible.

VII. Order of colors

The colors are linked to emotions and intellectual stimulation for the color is "action". Typically cool, humble saturated colors like blue are "passive" and are generally associated with goodness. Warmer, more highly saturated colors suchRed, are generally considered "active" and associated with negative outcomes.

A good example of this would be a teaching / manual warning. Warnings, when associated with death or serious injury, are usually presented by a symbol orange or dark red.

Since people are used to this association, the use of these colors in sequence can be effective when the evidence presented.

VIII. Color Blind

Color is important for the effective use of exhibits. Note thata certain segment of the population is color blind. In general, males have more problems than females. Approximately 8% of male Caucasians, 5% of Asian males and 3% of other males suffer from some degree of colorblindness. Typically, these people can perceive only two or three primary colors.

Although you can not take into account all the individual problems, a way to address the issue of color is to include some questions on voir dire when in visual function for exhibitionsmake your chance. You can compensate for the lack of color in the design process. people of color blind people tend to have trouble differentiating between the different color than the real ones. One way to explain this is to highlight the text in contrasting colors, but are not closely related colors. Thus, no transition from red to orange-red, but orange instead of a change from blue to yellow or black to white. In addition, the color transitions associated with an icon is an effective way topresent an exhibition of people with a lack of color.

IX. Cost data presentation

A. Balance

Whenever you embark on a new case is a good idea to have a budget. When you are considering the presentation of exhibitions, which have a good idea of what you can afford in advance is essential. It 'very easy to spend large sums of money in preparing exhibitions. Each case has a sum of money that can be legally justified to spend on costs shows. Depending on thesize case, the balance may significantly influence how to make this presentation.

In general, the cost of the exhibition can be divided into cost of creating the exhibition and the cost of presenting the show. In our practice, we found that an investment in equipment that allows us to in-source some of the preparation and presentation of exhibitions allows us to create cost effective exhibitions that would otherwise be beyond the reach of the case. Some suggestionsare:

1. Videotape your own statements. Most professionals who already have a camcorder and a VCR or DVD player to present testimony or evidence recorded video.

2. A digital camera or a camera with a film scanner connected to a computer and a printer can produce color page shows the dimensions of the picture quality high enough That can then be passed to the jury. These same images can be output through the television, data monitor or an LCD projector in the classroom ashalf of alternative presentation.

3. Many findings that are text based, with added color, can be easily prepared on common computer software already available on most computers. For example, word processing programs like Microsoft Word and Word Perfect can be used for the production of exhibitions page size, the jury instructions, flow charts and yes / no plates. These objects can then be printed, enlarged and / or assembled by an outside vendor, as shown in a professional studio or copyingservice.

4. Our company does not change our videos, but the software is available to enable video editing on a personal computer. If you are computer savvy or willing to learn, this could also greatly reduce costs.

B. Advantages and disadvantages of the method of presentation

Commissions: can be a center of attention, but can be uncomfortable if classroom is too small, multiple cards can be difficult to manage.
TV: easy to use, handle or PowerPointmultimedia project so that jurors can not easily seen, often distorted images or colors
Monitor data: high quality images, using the required software, higher costs associated specialist needs AV Installation
Multi-Monitor: everyone can clearly see the evidence, as indicated, courtroom may be too small to handle multiple monitors, the installation requires skilled AV
LCD projectors: decrease the amount of material in the classroom, must be perfectly positioned so that all can see the quality has improved significantly; imagesbrighter and clearer and can be enlarged
VCRs: easy to use, has no immediate access to the pre-edited clips are only a four-head VCR can pause and display a clear,
Presenters Visual (ELMO) can see everything that fits onto the end, the documents must be indicated and a half pages to be readable, like a small camera
Software test: immediate access to all documents, depositions, video clips, demonstration requires a large work awaiting trial, and expert technicallogistically capable classroom.
PowerPoint presentation or software: you can create a slide show linear and simple changes, can incorporate images, manage documents so poor, most effectively used for summary or bullet-point slides
Interactive Software: Create a presentation flexible, nonlinear, and must try to predetermine all the information.
QuickTime VR: public can view a site with precision, area or object does not work in environments that are constantly evolving

There areadvantages and disadvantages of each media presentation, and input that is used for presentation. Our experiences have shown that the cards are the easiest and reliable way to submit evidence. Unfortunately, in most cases large panels can be expensive and inconvenient to handle. Our solution to this problem is to be paid for. In a case where the biggest cost may be justified, we continue to use cards as a primary method to use visual persuasion in the courtroom. Weinvestment, however, in an ELMO presenter, televisions and other equipment needed to use an ELMO visual presenter with an integrated video recorder and occasionally a laptop. This allows the possibility of small visual artifacts preparations which may have put on the ELMO and presented on the screen, substantially reducing the cost of preparing specimens and, consequently, reducing the overall cost of presenting evidence.

The cost of a helmet should be considered, but not outthe scope of most law offices, including sole practitioners. If you try lawsuits, you should consider as a potential investment. Our company has been able to purchase an ELMO presenter along with the equipment necessary to distribute the signal from the VCR, laptop and all the televisions for less than $ 4,000.00. With the help of an assistant in the classroom, the system reduces the cost of presentation of evidence.

We found that when the evidence presented, and tablesTVs work best in most settings. We handle cases throughout the state of Missouri, and therefore, face many different challenges when trying to plan classroom presentation of evidence. Overhead projectors and LCD monitors are wonderful tools, but the lighting in many courtrooms often limit their use. We also found that television sets are cheap to use, familiar to jurors and are easily replaced if damaged.

Our company has several software packages including PenaltyII, and Powerpoint presentations. Our experience has shown that the PowerPoint presentations and are extremely useful for presentations for mediation, but not flexible enough for use in the classroom. These programs can be used effectively in opening or closing, but in general, are simply too many factors. trial presentation software has many useful features. Our experience, however, was a job that requires vast awaiting trial that cost savings are offset by jobnecessary to enter all data. In addition, we experienced technical difficulties during the presentations that we have asked to use alternative methods to present evidence at the last minute. Our suggestion is that if you do not have extensive computer knowledge (we do) or professional support staff, the use of such software be limited.

X Exhibitions

A. Past Exhibitions - Charts / Models

exhibitions archive can be a way to present evidence in a way that helps visually attractivemake information more clear. In our personal injury practice, we often use anatomical models. In the hands of an expert, they can be great visual aids and teaching tools to help jurors understand clearly the anatomy and injuries in question. The charm of these models is that they are generally inexpensive, can be reused and are therefore economically efficient. Stock charts shows how doctors are also effective for the same reasons. Charts can be purchased over theInternet or as part of a library full. Different services to produce graphs of the whole human body and are available for a few hundred dollars. Most word processing programs like Microsoft Word or WordPerfect may be used to change these images if they are available on disk or CD ROM. This allows a degree of customization of your graphics.

B. In House Exhibitions

The exhibition house can be of high quality and very profitable. Common word processing software such as Microsoft Word andWordPerfect can be used to make exhibitions effective when combined with colors and images inserted. Programs such as Powerpoint presentations and can also be used to add bullets, arrows and create visual graphics that can then be printed on a color printer. These findings can be passed or presented to the jury through a card or magnification shown in electronic form.

C. Exhibitions Custom Made

Custom has generally expect the best and are always more expensive. Inmost cases, rely heavily on tables to present the facts. When these exhibits are mounted on Gator and printed to a high quality large format, are very expensive. However, the cost can be reduced with an external consultant to prepare the exhibits and provide them electronically. May be submitted by a laptop through the means of presentation. We found this can save up to 40% on the price of custom show preparations. We alsofound it convenient to buy a couple and exhibitions tailored to also have the third party vendor to prepare our exposure on in-house professional looking cards in most cases.

We hope that there are some thoughts and suggestions in this document and the presentation that you will find useful in your practice. Good luck with your cases.

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