The most common form of web hosting from a number of newcomers to the web is known as shared hosting. This involves buying space on a web server of web hosting companies, where each web server may contain several other Web sites of other account holders.
The two most popular operating system software setup used on shared web hosting servers are Linux / Apache and Windows configurations 2003/IIS6. There are several software packages installed on each web server, but theoperating system and web server software are the most critical. The choice between these two configurations usually always defines what the software can be installed on web server hardware, and what, the web developer can use to develop your site.
Linux, an open source operating system, along with an open source Apache web server software package, are generally considered part of what is known as the LAMP system. The other components are MySQL and PHP. These softwarepackages are usually available free of charge for personal or business use.The companies that provide these value added products offer addons for which charged. Most commercially available software packages have been developed and the website for LAMP systems. These systems are extremely stable and debugging have been widely by the community of programmers who support them. There is an enormous amount of recorded information available for you to try a lot of peopleask questions if you need it. The forums are useful places to get both free and paid support. If you select a Web server based on Linux / Apache, you'll have all the resources available and be able to develop your site in this way for as long as you keep the site on a LAMP system. However, it will not be able to use most of Microsoft based technologies.
Windows 2003 Server with IIS6 the form of Microsoft Windows web hosting environment. This is now incorporated inMicrosoft. network platform. Microsoft needs no introduction as the dominant desktop software vendor to get the two decades. Microsoft. Net is now the technology behind Microsoft's web, is a proprietary technology of Microsoft. The technology is built into all Microsoft operating systems from Windows 2000 up, as well as Microsoft Office, Microsoft development tools and some other products beyond the scope of this article. In reality, it will probably be built into every product made with theMicrosoft.
The web server windows environment is very popular with programmers and Web developers who have developed their skills on Microsoft technologies, such as Visual Basic, perhaps the most popular programming language in the world, Visual C, C + +, C #. There are significantly fewer packages available for commercial Web Microsoft. ASP.NET Web Server. This net perhaps because the LAMP server internet domain, plus the cost of operation.web software.
However, the platform. NET is enormously capable and equipped with many features built-in rapid development. Many companies develop their sites using these technologies and achieve remarkable results very quickly. Microsoft provides what may be the world's largest store to support his product knowledge and access is easy, even when out and fast. Moreover, these are a lot of experts on-line and off line willing and able to provide paid and free support for beginners or expertsWeb Developer.
Both of these options are good choices and the choice made by the novice web developer must be determined by personal circumstances. I use both systems and I can only say that once properly configured, they can be a joy to work with.
With the availability of free or commercial scripts, no technique, the novice who simply wants to publish online, probably with the onset of / Linux Apache configuration.
For the / vb / excel programmer who has ideas to develop a. Server is the clear choice straight forward. Whatever your choice, enjoy!
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