Computers in former times were pure DOS-based systems. They were very unlike today's computers that are moving more and more toward visual computing. " The mouse, the basis of most visual computing, was an unknown entity at that time and was brought to light many years later! Can you imagine a computer without a mouse today? Yet, those were the days when the use of computers everything has been based on DOS which is quite explicit "taught" the computer to perform sometask through DOS commands. Thus, the first concrete thing I've learned to computers using DOS commands was MS. FORMAT A: / s, COPY A: B: DIR A, B CD: Wow! What a time that was! E 'is pure romance, if you ever loved computer!
And then came the Big One - the Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, or more popularly - BASIC! This is the first computer language I learned. The entire system is based on DOS, this was a language used through theCommand Prompt (now known as DOS). I still remember those days of these precious moments and golden phase of computing that I would call to be. The "F2" key to "RUN" (meaning execute) the program, CTRL + ALT + Delete, Print Screen ... This list could go on ... It 'amazing that, despite the tedious programming approach was then compared to now, the work that we were able to extract from the computer was just amazing!
I truly believe, two of the most significantstepping stones that are the most single important to get a solid foundation of understanding for computers are experiencing the DOS and BASIC. While the DOS commands shows how in reality the process computer and work, BASIC is by far the best language to learn programming concepts. I was lucky enough to have been able to learn both. Unfortunately, these days computers have become so much a visual medium. BASIC has been replaced by Visual Basic. It is true that the programming?Of course not!
As children, there was a sort of inexplicable excitement in "run" your program. Simple program to add two numbers, sort a list of numbers, manipulation of strings - it was pure joy to see your program running and provide the expected output!
I could clearly point back in time to the day that probably first realized my love for programming and computers. It 'was one of those "Computer Backs Stay" when we had to stay behind after school for a computer course orexercises. I really do not know why, but probably I must have had a look on my face sleepy that my teacher asked me to stand up, gave me an impromptu exercise programming for which I had to write a program on the blackboard! I got up and started to write the program, continued line by line, and farther, and bingo! It 'been done! It was clear, the computer showed me once again that was my true friend!
Well, how can I close without a word about black and white monitorthose times. More specifically, the CGA monitors were from the beginning in those days the BBC and IBM. The screen has a green sort of a look with the text is written in green with a blinking cursor waiting for you to control your computer. An improvement came in the form of black and white screen now showed the white text on a black screen. This was finally passed by the VGA monitor.
There are times when you want to in some way that the technology had not taken its present form.Looking back I feel so - you want a powerful and sophisticated machine that had not been overly simplified form today.
This is a bygone era. An era that has seen the computer in their purest forms - computers that were born and how they evolved. It was an era Screeching dot matrix printers, floppy drives and CVT. An era in which programming and computers were synonymous. Era of the glorious past of computer ...
My friendship with my friendcertainly be the same.
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