"The biggest thing that the human soul than ever in this world is to see something ... To see clearly is poetry, prophecy and religion all rolled into one." ~ John Ruskin, the painter
Visual communication involves our eyes, heart and mind. By the time we reach adulthood, there are millions of visual images stored in the dark recesses of our minds. Our memories serve us and keep us. Our minds remember and recall visual messages during our waking and sleeping hours, whichin turn, visual images shape our thinking, attitudes and personality. Because visual messages are penetrating our hearts and souls, take a moment to learn what visual literacy and visual communication really say.
According to Google's online dictionary, visual literacy * * includes:
"Literacy is the set of visual skills involved in the interpretation and criticism of images. This is a field of study in universities on the basis of art history andcriticism, information design and graphic design, usability and interface of the computer. It 's also a goal of parallel linguistic literacy training. The basic skills of literacy are the visual vocabulary of concepts necessary to understand and discuss the pictures. "
Then again, according to Google's online dictionary, * * visual communication means:
"Visual communication is the communication of ideas through the display ofinformation. Primarily associated with two dimensional images, it includes: alphanumerics, art, signs, and electronic resources. Recent research in the field has focused on web design and graphically oriented usability. "
Since the invention of television and the internet, visual communication has bombarded the world. The average person is showing a preference for learning and being entertained by the visual media than printed material. No doubt, welive in a visual world! (Revised 2/15/2006)
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