Error 2738 usually occurs because Visual Basic Script is or is not installed or not properly registered on the computer. This problem is rather easy to solve, and we cover the steps below. If you have not installed Visual Basic Script, make sure you do it now. You can download it directly from Microsoft, but if you use Windows Vista and, above all, then it should already be installed.
If Visual Basic Scripthas already been installed and you still get an error 2738 message, then you will need to register again. You can do the first login as a user with administrative rights. Click the "Start" button, and then if you are using Windows 2000 or Windows XP, click "Run" and type "cmd". If you are using Windows Vista, you should be able to enter "cmd" directly into the Start Search field.
When the Command Prompt window, type "regsvr32 vbscript.dll" and then press Enter, butwithout the quotes. Only an administrator can make this true again, it is essential that you log on as user with administrative rights. This Visual Basic Script to register in the system.
After the above steps have been performed, error 2738 should no longer occur, but it's a good idea at this point to optimize the registry, and scan for any problems. You can do this by using Registry Cleaner software. A registry cleaner will scan the entireWindows registry and look for problems. When it finds the problem areas, will solve the problems. The registry is also optimized, resulting in a computing environment easier and more robust.
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