Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The development of an art portfolio - Part 1

No matter what kind of art you decide to take, every artist needs to develop a portfolio. As an artist this is essentially your direct link to market effectively to your style and the visual integrity. The three main reasons that require a portfolio are:

1. Apply for College / TAFE / etc
2. Actively seeking work
3. When a client / buyer calls for assigning a specific / commissions for your work

It 'important that your portfolio has a value of vision, creativity,inquiring mind and the ability to continue development. Your portfolio should communicate, clear and targeted message and your visual integrity that is: your only way of seeing.

Remember - a strong, unique style that has been defined and redefined catch the eye. As artists, you will always progress, so should your portfolio.

Here is an exercise that I used and continue to use it to find my Visual Integrity:

Or focus on an area ofinterest that is space, design, etc.
Exploring the city or your area, look at the work that you had produced.
Select or about 12 of these images and look more closely at these and

1. List words to describe what you see.

2. List all elemants that make up each image eg. composition, tools, color, fire, etc.

- Do you find anything that kept popping up? Write these down.

Or choose 5-7 hours of your all time favorite works.
Once you have selected or repeatthe whole process over again.
O Can you articulate what makes any image work?
o When finished compare the two lists.
instruments known or composition that attracted you, lighting, testing, etc.
The elements that you admired are those that you need both:

or develop further, or
or if some of your selections corresponded to those who have admired and then include them in your wallet.

Art is expression, it's your personality that you put into it to makeinvented, aesthetically pleasing, stimulating, expressing your skill set and not taking yourself too seriously, that they possess a sense of humor!

Next time I will try to create your own Artistic / Positioning Statement.

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