Saturday, June 11, 2011

Visual identification of Houseplants

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visual identification of houseplants can be difficult at times. You really have to know your material in order to successfully identify as there are many types of plants and variations on types of plants. The best plan is to buy a book that you can then browse and find matches for the plant you are trying to identify.

Some things to note when trying to identify a houseplant is texture and color. Some plants have smooth, shiny leaves, some havefuzzy, furry ones. Others have small dark leaves and others have large colored leaves. Some plants have bright colors and many others are pastel colors, or very little color at all.

visual identification of houseplants in terms of time if the plant is quite rare. There are many books with 1000's of different types of plants and trying to find one in particular is a bit 'like finding a needle in a haystack. If you can not find a book designedto help you look and features not only the name, which could help speed up the process.

You can also go online and look for photographic catalog of the types of indoor plants. Many times the site will allow you to search for certain characteristics. Another way to make visual identification of houseplants a little 'easier, is to learn to recognize the most common features plants.

Some of the houseplants that are growing popular dracaenas. They often have colorfullystriped leaves, which grow in whorls from the stems. Sometimes they bloom with fragrant white or ivory flowers, intensely.

Ficas, schefflers arboricolas and houseplants are also very common that you can know. Philodendron, usually a uniform green color, and pothos plants are also very common that you can learn to identify.

In general, plants grown at home are only small, juvenile form of large tropical plants, which probably will never achieve fullgrowth.

Some factors to consider when looking for visual identification of houseplants are how big the pot is or how big the plant is, the size of the leaves and stems or stalks, even where you live and the shape of the leaves . If you live in a cold climate generally cooler year round, which may exclude some of the more tropical plants as warm as possible.

Similarly, if your position in the right time throughout the year, which may affect the type of system can be.Also, where exactly the plant is growing, whether it is in your garden in the shade, or in the basement or on your porch in a sunny area of ​​grass. Depending on the local, this can affect the types of plant can be.

visual identification of houseplants can be very difficult to just sight alone, so it's important to look at all the other factors that may help the plant to be identified correctly.

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