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Oil paint dries very slowly, unlike acrylics, which dry very quickly. Acrylic paint was initially created as a means of background paint for oil painting.
It 'perfectly stable to put a base of acrylic and oil paint on it instead. Linseed oil added to the oil painting will extend to color, increase the flow and increase workability. Oil painting is called with the addition of medium length, used oil paint directly from the tube is called a short or stiff.
You have created the oil paintings on woodbest known as a palette palettes are made of pear wood.
It 'very important to understand your colors and know what colors are:
Transparent (see through) Semi Matte (a little 'see through) and opaque (not see through) to start putting as much oil paint on the brush for two of three races always end up the brush on the canvas.
Be sure to use linseed oil only when painting wet on wet method or process.
Do not confuseyou with all the means of many others. Ready to find out those who are more experienced. If you can actually afford the paint professional, definitely go ahead and buy them. You'll notice right away that paint is completely different from the student.
Always buy the best brushes you can afford. The Da Vinci brand brushes are the best professional brushes. Buy long-handled brush. The technique is to hold towards the end of the handle. During the development of talents of a pointto consider is the ability to take risks. Just play with the paint, however, understand first, only to paint a tripod and make sure to back away from painting all the time. Never put the brushes in turpentine expensive when you work in one session. Go ahead and wipe clean with paper towels or cloth to wash the brushes in turpentine or a similar solvent at the end of a session and then be sure to clean it up immediately with soap and water.
Preparation of the foundation of the canvasis the
It 'pretty essential that you put on or wash hands thoroughly before your canvas. This takes away the glow of the white (which will reflect back to you, rather annoying) and the layers of paint on your canvas you get the best and more professional your painting, the brighter the ant paint over the painting with colors and sing texture.
Traditionally, the ground color of a burnt umber and raw umber, burnt sienna and ocher painted on aPainting as a good background first. Sometimes it can be very exciting to paint on a red or dark blue as your first painting, especially when you have the habit of putting on three or four layers and see the painting come across your painting. Use a large brush to apply the wash using acrylic paint as a first-underpaint will dry quickly and easily get started.
How to apply oil paint in two ways
1. In the wet (wet or All in a Firststep)
2. Glass Painting internship or Fat over lean
Wet on wet paint is applied using the drive, which comes directly from the tube or thinned to the consistency of the sauce with the essential part linseed oil paint is wet on wet painting by the brushes and knives do the job for you.
You definitely want to have full control of the brushes and experiment with different brushes to see the signs and textures that make streaks.
Never work with turpentineunless you are working with the method of glass.
Never ever feel the brush in turpentine any work in painting session.
Turpentine will burn the bristles and inevitably there will be some left the brush when you start to use the color.
This will make it difficult to maintain control of the flow and the thickness of paint. The technique of glass is a process of development of your painting in a series of layers of paint diluted.
I found this specific method for glazingtechnique with oil paints is called fat over lean
A first layer Lean diluted with solvents
A layer 2 Lean diluted with solvents less
A layer 3 Lean diluted with solvents less
A layer of fat directly from the tube 4
A layer of fat 5 diluted with a little linseed oil
A layer of fat over 6 diluted with linseed oil
It 'very essential that this process be followed exactly or the layers of paint to dry at different levels and possibly crack the paint. Granted,is a slow method and it is absolutely needed a bit of patience but the results are spectacular tonal values that are essential in painting. This method gives you full control of windows creating sounds in acrylics. Here there is no mystery about the paint.
Remember that painting is just pigment with a binder. In the case of oil painting, it's just a pigment with linseed oil drying oil Usually it is used for this. The best oil paints are professional and you will find Michael Harding and OldNetherlands. Windsor and Newton and some other brands are good, but just make sure they are called, not less professional paints, varnishes student quality.
One last thing, oil paint dries very slowly, have patience and enjoy the ride. Paint.